Three new Principal Investigators to join the Polar Science Center

As part of the Future of Ice Initiative, the Polar Science Center at the Applied Physics Laboratory has added 3 new Principal Investigators.

Qinghua Ding joined PSC in the fall of 2014. Qinghua is an Atmospheric Scientist with an interest in climate modeling and teleconnections between high latitude regions and the tropics. He recently published papers that indicate a significant role of tropical drivers on the climate of both Polar Regions. He joined PSC from the Atmospheric Sciences Program at the University of Washington.

Pierre Dutrieux will join PSC in March of 2015. Pierre is a physical oceanographer who combines in-situ observations, remote sensing, and model information to advance our understanding of the ice sheet-ocean interactions. His recent work has used data from autonomous underwater vehicles to understand the oceanic influence on the variability of the Pine Island Glacier in Antarctica. He joins PSC from the UK-Antarctic survey.

Anthony Arendt will also join PSC in March of 2015. Anthony is a glaciologist who applies remote sensing and in-situ data to gain a better understanding the mechanisms that drive glacier variability. His focus has been on Alaskan glaciers. Anthony joins PSC from the University of Alaska Fairbanks where he holds an Associate Research Professor position.