Posts Tagged «Qinghua Ding»

Ding Q, Steig EJ: Temperature change on the Antarctic Peninsula linked to the tropical Pacific. Journal of Climate, 26, 7570-7585 (2013).

Ding Q, Steig EJ, Battisti DS, Wallace JM: Influence of the tropics on the Southern Annular Mode. Journal of Climate, 25, 6330-63 (2012).

Dutrieux P, Rydt JD, Jenkins A, Holland PR, Ha HK, Lee SH, Steig EJ, Ding Q, Abrahamsen EP, Schroder M: Strong sensitivity of Pine Island ice-shelf melting to climatic variability, Science, 343 (6167), 174-178, (2014)

Küttel M, Steig EJ, Ding Q, Monaghan AJ, Battisti DS: Seasonal climate information preserved in West Antarctic ice core water isotopes: relationships to temperature, large-scale circulation, and sea ice. Climate Dynamics, 39, 1841-1857 (2012).

Steig EJ, Ding Q, Battisti DS, Jenkins A: Tropical forcing of circumpolar deep water inflow and outlet glacier thinning in the Amundsen Sea Embayment, West Antarctica. Annals of Glaciology, 53, 19-28 (2012).

Steig EJ, Ding Q, White JCW, Kuttel M, Rupper SB, Neumann TA, Neff P, Gallant A, Mayewski PA, Taylor DC, Hoffmann G, Dixon DA, Schoenemann S, Markle B, Schneider DP, Fudge TJ, Schauer AJ, Teel RP, Vaughn B, Burgener L, Williams J, Korotkikh E: Recent climate and ice-sheet change in West Antarctica compared to the past 2000 years. Nature Geoscience, 6, 372-375 (2013).

WAIS Divide Project Members (TJ Fudge, EJ Steig, BR Markle, SW Schoenemann, Q Ding, K Taylor and others): Onset of deglacial warming in West Antarctica driven by local orbital forcing. Nature, 500 (7463), 440-444, (2013).

Wang H, Wang B, Hung F, Ding Q, Lee JY: Interdecadal change of the boreal summer circumglobal teleconnection (1958-2010). Geophysical Research Letters, 39 (12), (2012).

Xiang B, Wang B, Ding Q, Jin FF, Fu X, Kim HJ: Reduction of the thermocline feedback associated with mean SST bias in ENSO simulation. Climate Dynamics, 39 (6), 1413-1430 (2012).

Xiang B, Wang B, Lauer S, Lee JY, Ding Q: Upper tropospheric warming intensifies sea surface warming, Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-013-1928-0 (2013)