An article written by T. Moon, I. Joughin, B. Smith and I. Howat from Science/AAAS journal.
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April 30, 2020 – PSC researcher Ben Smith’s paper ‘Pervasive ice sheet mass loss reflects competing ocean and atmosphere processes’ discussed in the New York Times.
New data from space is providing the most precise picture yet of Antarctica’s ice, where it is accumulating most quickly and disappearing at the fastest rate, and how the changes could contribute to rising sea levels.
NASA climate scientists report that Antarctica has gained ice in the form of snow accumulation. This study was recently published in the Journal of Glaciology and reporters have sought comments from their peers at the Polar Science Center.
April 30, 2020 – Using the most advanced Earth-observing laser instrument NASA has ever flown in space, a team of scientists led by the University of Washington has made precise measurements of how the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have changed over 16 years.
“If you watch a glacier or ice sheet for a month, or a year, you’re not going to learn much about what the climate is doing to it,” said lead author Benjamin Smith, a glaciologist at the UW Applied Physics Laboratory. “We now have a 16-year span between ICESat and ICESat-2 and can be much more confident that the changes we’re seeing in the ice have to do with the long-term changes in the climate.
Fudge, T.J., and B. Smith, “Instruments and Methods Light propagation in firn: application to borehole video“, J. Glaciology, 56(198), 614-624, 2010.
UW Today reports on the results of a study recently published in The Cryosphere, involving PSC’s Ben Smith, Alex Huth, and Ian Joughin who teamed up with the University of Edinburgh and, using satellite data, identified a considerable drainage of interconnected lakes below West Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier.
Howat, I. M., I. Joughin, M. Fahnestock, B. E. Smith, and T. A. Scambos, Synchronous retreat and acceleration of southeast Greenland outlet glaciers 2000-06: ice dynamics and coupling to climate, J. Glaciol., 54(187), 646-660, 2008.
Howat, I.M., Smith, B.E., Joughin, I., et al, Rates of southeast Greenland ice volume loss from combined ICESat and ASTER observations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35(17), L17505, 2008.
Howat, I. M., Y. Ahn, I. Joughin, M. R. van den Broeke, J. T. M. Lenaerts, and B. Smith, Mass balance of Greenland’s three largest outlet glaciers, 2000-2010, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, 2011.
The Applied Physics Laboratory-UW interviews PSC’s Jamie Morison and Ben Smith about ICESat-2, their roles in the NASA project and how it will improve research efforts and data. Watch the video here or on APL’s YouTube channel.
IMBIE [includes B. Smith & I. Joughin]. 2018. Mass balance of the Antarctic Ice Sheet from 1992 to 2017. Nature. 558:219–222.
Joughin, I., D. E. Shean, B. E. Smith, and P. Dutrieux, Grounding line variability and subglacial lake drainage on Pine Island Glacier, Antarctica, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43(17), 9093–9102, doi:10.1002/2016GL070259, 2016
Joughin, I., B. E. Smith, and W. Abdalati, Glaciological advances made with interferometric synthetic aperture radar, J. Glaciol., 56(200), 1026-1042, 2010.
Joughin, I., B. E. Smith, and D. M. Holland (2010), Sensitivity of 21st century sea level to ocean-induced thinning of Pine Island Glacier, Antarctica, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37.
Joughin, I., Smith, B.E., Shean, D.E., Floricioiu, D., Brief Communication: Further summer speedup of Jakobshavn Isbrae, The Cryosphere, 8, 209-214, doi:10.5194/tc-8-209-2014, 2014.
McFadden, E. M., I. M. Howat, I. Joughin, B. Smith, and Y. Ahn, Changes in the dynamics of marine terminating outlet glaciers in west Greenland (2000-2009), J. Geophys. Res.-EarthSurf., 116, 2011.
Smith, B.E., Fricker, H.A., Joughin, I.R.., and S. Tulaczyk, ‘An inventory of active subglacial lakes in Antarctica detected by ICESat (2003-2008)’, J. Glaciology, 55(192), 573-595, 2009.
Smith, B. E., Gourmelen, N., Huth, A., and Joughin, I.: Connected subglacial lake drainage beneath Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica, The Cryosphere, 11, 451-467, doi:10.5194/tc-11-451-2017, 2017.
Smith, M. and Thomson, J., 2016. Scaling observations of surface waves in the Beaufort Sea. Elem Sci Anth, 4. doi: 10.12952/journal.elementa.000097
Smith, M., Stammerjohn, S., Persson, O., Rainville, L., Liu, G., Perrie, W., Robertson, R., Jackson, J. and Thomson, J., 2018. Episodic reversal of autumn ice advance caused by release of ocean heat in the Beaufort Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123(5), pp.3164-3185. doi: 10.1002/2018JC013764
Smith, M. and Thomson, J., 2019. Ocean surface turbulence in newly formed marginal ice zones. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 124(3), pp.1382-1398. doi: 10.1029/2018JC014405
PSC’s Jamie Morison and Ben Smith are interviewed by KING 5 news about NASA’s latest space laser, Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2), which launches 15 September. ICESat-2 helps monitor glaciers, sea ice and ice sheets via NASA satellite technology. Watch the interview to learn more.