Posts Tagged «Axel Schweiger»

Perovich D.K., S.V. Nghiem, T. Markus, A. Schweiger, “Seasonal evolution and interannual variability of the local solar energy absorbed by the Arctic sea ice-ocean system”, J. Geophys. Res.-Oceans, 112 (C3): Art. No. C03005, 2007.

Significant changes in arctic climate have been detected in recent years. One of the most striking changes is the decline of sea ice concurrent with changes in atmospheric circulation and increased surface air temperature.

UW Today talks with Qinghua Ding and Axel Schweiger about a new study published in Nature Climate Change of how natural variability affects sea ice loss in the Arctic. Ding, now a PSC affiliate, along with Schweiger and other colleagues from UW and NOAA used decades of data to examine the contribution of the atmospheric circulation to Arctic sea-ice variability.

Clouds play a major role in the arctic surface energy balance controlling the growth and melt of sea ice. At the same time the processes involved in the formation, maintenance and dissipation of cloud cover over the Arctic Ocean are thought to be strongly influenced by the sea ice itself. This project will advance the understanding of this interaction and feedback by asking: What is the response of Arctic clouds to diminishing sea ice?

Schweiger, A. J., and J. Zhang (2015), Accuracy of short-term sea ice drift forecasts using a coupled ice-ocean model, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, doi: 10.1002/2015jc011273.

Schweiger, A., R. Lindsay, J. Zhang, M. Steele, H. Stern, R. Kwok, Uncertainty in modeled arctic sea ice volume, J. Geophys. Res., 116, C00D06, doi:10.1029/2011JC007084, 2011.

Schweiger, A., M. Steele, J. Zhang, G.W.K. Moore, and K. Laidre, Accelerated sea ice loss in the Wandel Sea points to a change in the Arctic’s Last Ice Area, Nature Commun. Earth Environ., 2, 122, doi:10.1038/s43247-021-00197-5, 2021.

Schweiger, A.J., and R.G. Barry, “Evaluation of algorithms for mapping snow cover parameters in the Federal Republic of Germany using passive microwave data”, Erdkunde, 43(2), 85-94, 1989.

Schweiger, A. J., and J. R. Key, Arctic cloudiness: comparison of ISCCP-C2 and Nimbus-7 satellite- derived cloud products with a surface-based cloud climatology, J Climate, 5(12), 1514-1527, 1992.

Schweiger, A. J., M. C. Serreze, and J. R. Key, “Arctic Sea Ice Albedo – a Comparison of 2 Satellite-Derived Data Sets“, Geophys. Res. Lett, 20(1), 41-44, 1993.

Schweiger, A.J., and J.R. Key, “Arctic-Ocean Radiative Fluxes and Cloud Forcing Estimated from the Isccp C2 Cloud Dataset, 1983-1990”, Journal of Applied Meteorology, 33(8), 948-963, 1994.

Schweiger, A. J., and J. R. Key (1997), “Estimating surface radiation fluxes in the Arctic from TOVS brightness temperatures”, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 18(4), 955-970.

Schweiger, A.J., R.W. Lindsay, J.R. Key, and J.A. Francis, “Arctic clouds in multiyear satellite data sets“, Geophys. Res. Lett., 26(13), 1845-1848, 1999.

Schweiger, A. J., R. W. Lindsay, J. A. Francis, J. Key, J. M. Intrieri, and M. D. Shupe, “Validation of TOVS Path-P data during SHEBA“, J. Geophys. Res.,C., 107(10), SHE 17-11 – 17-20, 2002.

Schweiger, A.J., “Changes in seasonal cloud cover over the Arctic seas from satellite and surface observations“, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, 10.1029/2004GL020067, 2004.

Schweiger, A.J., Lindsay, R.W., Vavrus, S., Francis, J.A., “Relationships between Arctic Sea Ice and Clouds during Autumn”, Journal of Climate, doi: 10.1175/2008JCLI2156.1, 2008a.

Schweiger, A.J., J. Zhang, R.W. Lindsay, and M. Steele, Did unusually sunny skies help drive the record sea ice minimum of 2007?, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L10503, doi:10.1029/2008gl033463, 2008.

Schweiger, A.J., K.R. Wood, and J. Zhang, 2019: Arctic Sea Ice Volume Variability over 1901–2010: A Model-Based Reconstruction. J. of Climate, 32, 4731-4752,

As sea ice disappears in the Arctic Ocean, the U.S. Coast Guard is teaming with scientists to explore this new frontier by deploying scientific equipment through cracks in the ice from airplanes hundreds of feet in the air.

Are climate scientists able to talk about their research without politics today? The Seattle Times talks with PSC researchers Axel Schwieger, Mike Steele, and Harry Stern who try to inform the public of the science behind climate change.

August 13, 2019 – The Economist covers research by Axel Schweiger and Jinlun Zhang in collaboration with Kevin Wood at JISAO. Reconstruction of sea ice thickness and volume since 1901 uses logs from old US revenue cutters traveling in the Arctic in the early 20th century.

Steffen, K., and A.J. Schweiger, “A multisensor approach to sea ice classification for the validation of DMSP-SSM/I passive microwave derived sea ice products”, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 56(1), 75-82, 1990.

Steffen, K., and A. Schweiger, “NASA team algorithm for sea ice concentration retrieval from Defense Meteorological Satellite Program special sensor microwave imager: comparison with Landsat satellite imagery“, Journal of Geophysical Research, 96(C12), 21,971-921,987, 1991.

Stern, H., A. Schweiger, J. Zhang, and M. Steele, On reconciling disparate studies of the sea-ice floe size distribution, Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 6:49, doi:10.1525/elementa.304, 2018.

Stern H.L., A.J. Schweiger, M. Stark, J. Zhang, M. Steele, B. Hwang; Seasonal evolution of the sea-ice floe size distribution in the Beaufort and Chukchi seas. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 6(1):48, doi:10.1525/elementa.305, 2018.

Stroeve, J., A. Barrett, M. Serreze, and A. Schweiger (2014), Using records from submarine, aircraft and satellites to evaluate climate model simulations of Arctic sea ice thickness, Cryosphere, 8(5), 1839-1854.

A new modeling study conducted by Dr. Jinlun Zhang to be published in the Journal of Climate shows that stronger polar winds lead to an increase in Antarctic sea ice, even in a warming climate.

Our recent paper talking about the uncertainty in Arctic Sea Ice Volume is covered in Science News. Click to read full story

The Arctic Ocean has lost 95 percent of its oldest ice — a startling sign of what’s to comeIf the thinning trend continues, scientists fear an added boost to global warming.Chris Mooney of the Washington Post talked with Axel Schweiger and other scientists about sea ice loss in the Arctic

PI: Mike Steele; Co-I Ron Lindsay, Axel Schweiger, Jinlun Zhang The main objective of this study is to determine the fate of solar energy absorbed by the arctic seas during summer, with a specific focus on its impact on the sea ice pack. Investigators further seek to understand the fate of this heat during the winter and even beyond to the following summer.

The Guardian cites PIOMAS sea ice volume in the context of a new sea ice minimum reached according to data from the University of Bremen. Click here for full story.

The purpose of this project is to improve satellite retrievals of atmospheric temperature, humidity and clouds.  Retrievals are based on   the physical-statistical retrieval method of Chedin et al. (1985, Improved Iteration Inversion Algorithm, 3I). The method has been improved for use in sea ice-covered areas (Francis 1994) and the data set has been designed to address the particular needs of the Polar research community. The data set represents the so called Path-P as designated by the TOVS Science Working Group.

The Christian Science Monitor reports on research findings that a large portion of sea ice decline in the Arctic is caused by natural changes. The study was recently published in Nature Climate Change and CSM interviews some of the authors Qinghua Ding, Axel Schweiger and David Battisti.

Vavrus, S., D. Waliser, A. Schweiger, and J. Francis, “Simulations of 20th and 21st century Arctic cloud amount in the global climate models assessed in the IPCC AR4”, Clim Dynam, 33, 1099-1115, 2009.

PSC Chair Axel Schweiger comments on a new study that allows the calculation of a “personal sea ice footprint”.

Zhang, J., R. Lindsay, A. Schweiger, and M. Steele, The impact of an intense summer cyclone on 2012 Arctic sea ice retreat, Geophys. Res. Lett, 40, doi:10.1002/grl.50190, 2013.

Zhang J., M. Steele, R. Lindsay, A. Schweiger, J. Morison, Ensemble 1-Year predictions of Arctic sea ice for the spring and summer of 2008, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L08502, doi:10.1029/2008GL033244.

Zhang, J., R. Lindsay, M. Steele, and A. Schweiger, What Drove the Dramatic Retreat of Arctic Sea Ice During Summer 2007?, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L11505, doi:10.1029/2008GL034005, 2008.

Zhang, J., R. Lindsay, A. Schweiger, and I. Rigor, 2012: Recent changes in the dynamic properties of declining Arctic sea ice: A model study. Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, 20, doi:10.1029/2012GL053545.

Zhang, J., A. Schweiger, M. Steele, and H. Stern, Sea ice floe size distribution in the marginal ice zone: Theory and numerical experiments, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 120, doi:10.1002/2015JC010770, 2015.

Zhang, J., H. Stern, B. Hwang, A. Schweiger, M. Steele, and M. Stark, Modeling the seasonal evolution of the Arctic sea ice floe size distribution, Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 4, doi:10.12952/journal.elementa.000126, 2016.

Zhang, J., A. Schweiger, M. Webster, B. Light, M. Steele, C. Ashjian, R. Campbell, and Y. Spitz, Melt pond conditions on declining Arctic sea ice over 1979-2016: Model development, validation, and results, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 123, doi:10.1029/2018JC014298, 2018.

Zhang, J., Y.H. Spitz, M. Steele, C. Ashjian, R. Campbell, & A. Schweiger, Biophysical consequences of a relaxing Beaufort gyre. Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2019GL085990, doi:10.1029/2019gl085990, 2020.

Zhang, J.L., M. Steele, and A. Schweiger, Arctic sea ice response to atmospheric forcings with varying levels of anthropogenic warming and climate variability, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L20505, doi:10.1029/2010gl044988, 2010.