PSC members join their colleagues and peers at the AGU 2016 Fall Meeting in San Francisco, California.
Posts Tagged «AGU»
PSC members join their colleagues and peers at the AGU 2017 Fall Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Reuters Environment reports on a polar bear study led by Eric Regehr and its findings which were presented by co-author Kristin Laidre at a panel discussion during the America Geophysical Union’s 2016 Fall Meeting. Satellite data documenting sea-ice loss also forecasts declines in polar bear population. Reuters briefly talks to Regehr about the specifics of the global assessment.
Kristin Laidre participated in a panel discussion held at AGU’s 2016 Fall Meeting in San Francisco. She presented population projections for polar bears across the Arctic during the discourse of how satellites observe habitat change and help scientists forecast how species will respond.