APL-UW has produced a video with Harry Stern and his research of the Arctic ice edge that incorporated logs and maps of Captain James Cook’s polar expedition among other early explorers.
Posts Tagged «2016»
Popular Science reported on Harry Stern’s research paper which analyzed observations recorded by the earliest explorers of the Northwest Passage in correlation to the current trend in sea ice.
The International Journal of Remote Sensing has published a study by Ben Hudson and his UC colleagues which assessed turbid water detection and cloud mask performance of NASA’s Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) MOD35_L2 cloud mask.
PSC members join their colleagues and peers at the AGU 2016 Fall Meeting in San Francisco, California.
Trending: The article, Loitering of the retreating sea ice edge in the Arctic Seas, in JGR Oceans, is one of the most accessed in the past 3 months. Congrats to the authors; PSC’s Mike Steele and Wendy Ermold!
UW Today highlights the latest article, by PSC’s Harry Stern and Kristin Laidre, published in The Cryosphere. Other media sources reporting the study are The Seattle Times, Science Daily, The Washington Post, Mashable, and Nature.com
The Arctic Ocean is gaining open water each summer, with some scientists predicting that the warming planet will see an Arctic Ocean that’s completely ice-free in late summer by around the middle of this century.
Armour K.C., Marshall, J., Scott, J., Donohoe, A., and Newsom, E.R. (2016) Southern Ocean warming delayed by circumpolar upwelling and equatorward transport, Nature Geoscience, 9, 549–554, doi: 10.1038/ngeo2731
Banas, N. S., J. Zhang, R. G. Campbell, R. N. Sambrotto, M. W. Lomas, E. Sherr, B. Sherr, C. Ashjian, D. Stoecker, and E. J. Lessard, Spring plankton dynamics in the Eastern Bering Sea, 1971-2050: Mechanisms of interannual variability diagnosed with a numerical model, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 121, doi:10.1002/2015JC011449, 2016.
Beamer, J. P., D. F. Hill, A. Arendt, and G. E. Liston (2016), High-resolution modeling of coastal freshwater discharge and glacier mass balance in the Gulf of Alaska watershed, Water Resour. Res., 52, 3888–3909, doi:10.1002/2015WR018457.
Donna Hauser participated in the analysis of beluga whales in the western Beaufort Sea. Temporally and spatially diverse data sets which included aerial survey, passive acoustic, and satellite tracking data were synthesized to gain baseline information and a more holistic understanding of beluga distribution. Read about the project published in Deep Sea Research.
Bieniek, P.A., U.S. Bhatt, D.A. Walker, M.K. Raynolds, J.C. Comiso, H.E. Epstein, J.E. Pinzon, C.J. Tucker, R.L. Thoman, H. Tran, N. Mölders, M. Steele, J. Zhang, and W. Ermold, Climate drivers linked to changing seasonality of Alaska coastal tundra vegetation productivity. Earth Interactions, 19, No. 19, 2015.
Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, E., R. I. Cullather, W. Wang, J. Zhang, and C. M. Bitz, Model forecast skill and sensitivity to initial conditions in the seasonal Sea Ice Outlook, Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, 8042-8048, doi:10.1002/2015GL0658, 2015.
Carns, R.C., Light, B. and Warren, S.G. (2016), The spectral albedo of sea ice and salt crusts on the tropical ocean of Snowball Earth: II. Optical modeling, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 121, doi:10.1002/2016JC011804.
Castro, S., G. Wick, and M. Steele, Validation of satellite sea surface temperature analyses in the Beaufort Sea using UpTempO buoys, Rem. Sens. Environ., 187, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2016.10.035, 2016.
Collow, T.W., W. Wang, A. Kumar, and J. Zhang, Improving Arctic sea ice prediction using PIOMAS initial sea ice thickness in a coupled ocean-atmosphere model, Mon. Wea. Rev., 143, 4618-4630, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/MWR-D-15-0097.1, 2015.
Conn, P.B., E. E. Moreland, E. V. Regehr, E. L. Richmond, F. Cameron, and P.L. Boveng. 2016. Using simulation to evaluate wildlife survey designs: polar bears and seals in the Chukchi Sea. Royal Society Open Science. doi: 10.1098/rsos.150561
PSC’s Daniel Shapero is participating in the Applied Physics Laboratory Seminar Series — Fall 2016. On Thursday, October 6, 2:30 PM in 512 Benjamin Hall, UW, Daniel will give a talk describing some of his work in the field of inverse or data assimilation, both in the methodology and the application to major outlet glaciers in Greenland.
Peter E. D. Davis, Camille Lique, Helen L. Johnson, and John D. Guthrie, 2016: Competing Effects of Elevated Vertical Mixing and Increased Freshwater Input on the Stratification and Sea Ice Cover in a Changing Arctic Ocean. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 46, 1531–1553, doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-15-0174.1.
Global warming not so global? PSC postdoc Aaron Donohoe has co-authored a study recently published in Nature Geoscience showing how and why the Antarctic Ocean has not warmed in comparison to what has been observed in the Arctic.
Ding, Y., J. A. Carton, G. A. Chepurin, M. Steele, and S. Hakkinen, Seasonal heat and freshwater cycles in the Arctic Ocean in CMIP5 coupled models, J. Geophys. Res., 121, doi:10.1002/2015JC011124, 2016.
The Washington Post reports on the changes in Arctic sea ice and its effect on the polar bear. The main source of the article is a recent study by PSC’s Harry Stern and Kristin Laidre, published in The Cryosphere.
Salon.com covers the use of animals, such as narwhals and elephant seals, outfitted with non-invasive devices to collect data on the effects of climate change on the environment of the Arctic and Antarctic. The article includes the work of PSC researchers, Michael Steele and Kristin Laidre.
The Quaternary Research Center (QRC) and the Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) at the University of Washington, Seattle, USA, are seeking Postdoctoral Research Associates with interests in the polar regions.
Ignatius Rigor collaborated on a study of Antarctic sea ice change using satellite observations. Read the paper presenting the findings in the journal Remote Sensing of Environment.
Seattle Girls’ School has named PSC PI Kristin Laidre recipient of their 2016 Grace Hopper Award for Outstanding Achievement. Kristin is being recognized for her successful endeavors to make her research efforts accessible to many age groups.
She will be honored at the SGS 14th Annual Luncheon on May 5, 2016. Congratulations, Kristin!
The Washington Post asks Ian Joughin about a recent study, in the journal Science Advances, using a GPS network which measures ice sheet mass loss in Greenland and re-evaluates previous studies.
Hauser, D. D. W., Laidre, K. L., Stafford, K. M., Stern, H. L., Suydam, R. S. and Richard, P. R. (2016), Decadal shifts in autumn migration timing by Pacific Arctic beluga whales are related to delayed annual sea ice formation. Glob Change Biol. doi:10.1111/gcb.13564
The Washington Post reports that although “Arctic Sea Ice Blog: Interesting News and Data” will be going on hiatus, the Arctic Sea Ice Forum will remain open and monthly PIOMAS updates will continue. Axel Schweiger comments on how the blog and the PSC dataset has helped create a thoughtful and detailed real-time public discourse.
An international team of researchers, including Kristin Laidre, conducted a study involving genetic variability in polar bears. Read about the study in Animal Conservation.
The Seattle Times covered Harry Stern’s research study which tracked changes along the Arctic ice edge combining modern technology and historical records such as maps and logs from Captain James Cook’s 18th-century voyage.
Hunt, G.L., Jr., Drinkwater, K.F., Arrigo, K., Berge, J., Daly, K.L., Danielson, S., Daase, M., Hop, H., Isla, E., Karnovsky, N., et al., including Kristin Laidre. 2016. Advection in polar and sub-polar environments: Impacts on high latitude marine ecosystems. Progress in Oceanography.149: 40-81. doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2016.10.004
Jin, M., E. E. Popova, J. Zhang,, R. Ji, D. Pendleton, Ø. Varpe, A. Yool, and Y.J. Lee, Ecosystem model intercomparison of under-ice and total primary production in the Arctic Ocean, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 121, 934-948, doi:10.1002/2015JC010770, 2016.
Koblitz J.C., Stilz P., Rasmussen M.H., Laidre K.L. (2016) Highly Directional Sonar Beam of Narwhals (Monodon monoceros) Measured with a Vertical 16 Hydrophone Array. PLoS ONE 11(11): e0162069. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0162069
Koutnik, M.R., E.D. Waddington, D.P. Winebrenner, and A.V. Pathare, “Response timescales for Martian ice masses and implications for ice flow on Mars”, Icarus 225, 949-959, 2013.
Kutschera, V. E., Frosch, C., Janke, A., Skírnisson, K., Bidon, T., Lecomte, N., Fain, S. R., Eiken, H. G., Hagen, S. B., Arnason, U., Laidre, K. L., Nowak, C. and Hailer, F. (2016), High genetic variability of vagrant polar bears illustrates importance of population connectivity in fragmented sea ice habitats. Anim Conserv, 19: 337–349. doi:10.1111/acv.12250
Laidre K. L., Moon T., Hauser D.D.W., McGovern R., Heide-Jørgensen M.P., Dietz R., Hudson B., Use of glacial fronts by narwhals (Monodon monoceros) in West Greenland. Biol. Lett. 12: 20160457, doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2016.0457, 2016.
Light, B., Carns, R. C. and Warren, S. G. (2016), The spectral albedo of sea ice and salt crusts on the tropical ocean of Snowball Earth: I. Laboratory measurements. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 121, doi:10.1002/2016JC011803.
Lunn, N.J., S. Servanty, E.V. Regehr, S.J. Converse, E. Richardson, and I. Stirling. 2016. Population dynamics of an apex predator at the edge of its range – impacts of changing sea ice on polar bears in western Hudson Bay, Canada. Ecological Applications 26(5):1302-1320. DOI: 10.1890/15-1256
Markus, T, et al. (2016), The Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2): Science requirements, concept, and implementation, Remote Sens. Environ., 190, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2016.12.029.
The Seattle Times reports on the Arctic-wide analysis of changes in sea ice that have the greatest impact on polar bears, conducted by the PSC’s Harry Stern and Kristin Laidre.
The New York Times reports on a study of narwhals led by Kristin Laidre. She and her team conducted field work collecting recordings to uncover how adept the species navigate their Arctic water habitat with sound.
Nazarenko, L. and others including J. Zhang, Future climate change under RCP emission scenarios with GISS ModelE2. J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., 7, 244-267, doi:10.1002/2014MS000403, 2015.
Nghiem, S.V., I.G. Rigor, Pl Clemente-Colón, G. Newmann, and P.P. Li, Geophysical constraints on the Antarctic sea ice cover, Remote Sens. Environ., 181, 281-292, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2016.04.005, 2016.
Panteleev, G., M., Yaremchuk, O. Francis, P. J. Stabeno, T. Weingartner, and J. Zhang (2016), An inverse modeling study of circulation in the Eastern Bering Sea during 2007–2010, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 121,3970–3989, doi:10.1002/2015JC011287.
Poinar, K., Joughin, I., Lenaerts J.T.M. and Van Den Broeke, M.R. (2016), Englacial latent-heat transfer has limited influence on seaward ice flux in western Greenland. Journal of Glaciology. doi.org/10.1017/jog.2016.103
Reuters Environment reports on a polar bear study led by Eric Regehr and its findings which were presented by co-author Kristin Laidre at a panel discussion during the America Geophysical Union’s 2016 Fall Meeting. Satellite data documenting sea-ice loss also forecasts declines in polar bear population. Reuters briefly talks to Regehr about the specifics of the global assessment.
Polar bears are now a noticeable presence in the Arctic village of Kaktovik, Alaska. The New York Times provides in-depth coverage of their living situation and talks to Eric Regehr, among others, about the loss of habitat and sustenance and the hard adjustments to come for the species.
In search of the Northwest Passage, Captain James Cook was the first to actually probe and chart the ice edge north of Bering Strait. Polar Geography has published Harry Stern’s research of Cook’s exploration of the Arctic and how other expeditions fared in comparison, resulting in a history of sea-ice observations from Cook’s time to the present.
Polar Science Weekend returns to Seattle’s Pacific Science Center for the eleventh straight year March 4-6, 2016.
Experience hands-on activities, live demonstrations and exhibits presented by UW glaciologists, biologists and climate experts along with other community members devoted to polar environments.