Bamber, J.L., R.J. Hardy, P. Huybrechts, and I. Joughin, A comparison of balance velocities, measured velocities and thermomechanically modelled velocities for the Greenland Ice Sheet, Ann. Glaciol., 30, 211-216, 2000.
Posts Tagged «2000»
Bamber, J.L., R.J. Hardy, and I. Joughin, An analysis of balance velocities over the Greenland ice sheet and comparison with synthetic aperture radar interferometry, J. Glaciol., 46(152), 67-74, 2000.
Bamber, J.L., D.G. Vaughan, and I. Joughin, Widespread complex plow in the interior of the Antarctic Ice Sheet, Science, 287(5456), 1248-1250, 2000.
Forman, S. L., W. Maslowski, J. T. Andrews, D. Lubinski, M. Steele, J. Zhang, R. Lammers, and B. Peterson, Researchers explore Arctic freshwater’s role in ocean circulation, Eos Trans. AGU, 81(16), 169–174, doi:10.1029/00EO00114, 2000.
Francis, J.A., and A.J. Schweiger, “A new window to the Arctic”, Eos Trans. AGU( 81), 77-78, 2000.
Hulbe, C.L., I.R. Joughin, D.L. Morse, and R.A. Bindschadler, Tributaries to West Antarctic ice streams: Characteristics deduced from numerical modelling of ice flow, Ann. Glaciol., 31, 184-190, 2000.
Joughin, I.R., M.A. Fahnestock, and J.L. Bamber, Ice flow in the northeast Greenland ice stream, Ann. Glaciol., 31, 141-146, 2000.
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Morison, J. H., K. Aagaard, and M. Steele, Recent environmental changes in the Arctic: A review, Arctic, 53(4), 359-371, 2000.
Moritz, R. E. and J. Ukita. Geometry and the deformation of pack ice: I. A simple kinematic model. Annals of Glaciology, 31, 313-322, 2000.
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Rigor, I.G., R.L. Colony, and S. Martin, Variations in Surface Air Temperature in the Arctic from 1979- 1997, J. Climate, v. 13, no. 5, pp. 896 – 914, 2000.
Rosen, P.A., S. Hensley, I.R. Joughin, F.K. Li, S.N. Madsen, E. Rodriguez, and R.M. Goldstein, Synthetic aperture radar interferometry – Invited paper, Proc. IEEE, 88(3), 333-382, 2000.
Steele, M., Flato, G.M., Sea Ice Growth, Melt, and Modeling: A Survey. In: The Freshwater Budget of the Arctic Ocean, NATO Science Series, 70, 549-587. Springer, Dordrecht, doi:10.1007/978-94-011-4132-1_23, 2000.
Ukita, J. and R. E. Moritz. Geometry and the deformation of pack ice: II. Simulation with a random isotropic model and implication in sea-ice rheology. Annals of Glaciology, 31, 323-326, 2000.
Zhang, J., D.A. Rothrock, and M. Steele: Recent changes in Arctic Sea ice: The interplay between ice dynamics and thermodynamics, J. Climate, 13, 3099-3114, 2000.
Zhang, J. and D.A. Rothrock: Modeling Arctic Sea ice with an efficient plastic solution, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 3325-3338, 2000.