August 24, 2021

  GFS Forecast: analysis time: 12Z 2021-08-21 :: valid time: 22Z 2021-08-24( Alaska LT: Tue. 2021-08-24 14:00PM)

Links to plots Below

Sea ice contours: 15% (blue), 50% (black), 90% (red)

2-m temperature contour: -1.8 °C

U/V transect contour: 0 m/s 

Update [17:00PM, Sat., Aug 21, 2021 PST]:

  • A low pressure system west of 150 °W. Will encounter low surface visibility and ceiling height at 76 °N.
  • The surface temperature is slightly above -1.8 °C. Might need to be careful about slush when dropping AXCTDs.
  • A narrow belt of thick ice near the ice ice, but the ice to the north is thinner. The sea ice concentration shows a similar signature. It is interesting to see how this low pressure system and another one that will develop to the west will affect this large area of thin ice.  


    • Flight information

2021-08-24 14PM Alaska LT

2021-08-24 14PM Alaska LT

  • Pan-Arctic maps

Sea ice concentration at analysis time

Mean sea leve pressure at valid time

700 hPa Geopotential Height

700 hPa temperature

700 hPa relative humidity

700 hPa wind speed



Ceiling height

Low-level cloud cover


  • Beaufort and Chukchi seasonal ice zone (the map is centered at 150 °W)

middle cloud fraction

Sea ice concentration at analysis time

Mean sea leve pressure at valid time

2-m air temperature

2-m relative humidty


Ceiling height


  • Flight conditions at different altitudes along 150 °W