GFS Forecast: analysis time: 12Z 2017-09-11 :: valid time: 21Z 2017-09-21
Sea ice contours: 15% (blue), 50% (black), 90% (red)
2-m temperature contour: -1.8 C
U/V transect contour: 0 m/s
Update [10:30AM, Mon. Sep 12, 2017 PST] : 225-hour forecast. Cold, moist, cloudy, easterly winds. High pressure to the north of 75N and low to the southwest. The low brings warm and moist air from the southwest. The ice edges of 15% and 50% are close right now and are around 79N at 150W and 78N at 140W. Winds shift from the northerly winds of 24 hours ago to westerly in the current forecast. The pattern can still change a lot at this point.
- Pan-Arctic maps
- Beaufort and Chukchi seasonal ice zone (the map is centered at 150W)
- Transects along 150W