August 17, 2017

GFS Forecast: analysis time: 18Z 2017-08-16 :: valid time: 22Z 2017-08-17

Update [20:00PM, Tue. Aug 16, 2017 PST] :  Low cloud from coast up to 74 around 500 m. Weak winds 700 hPa and northerly/easterly flow near surface. Strongest jet shift north to 76N  closer to the ice edge at 500 m. Low level very humid (RH>90%) all the way to 80N. 

Update [18:30PM, Tue. Aug 15, 2017 PST] : Low cloud from coast up to 73.5N below 500 m. Elevated temperature inversion is still there. Southerly flow at 700 hPa and northerly/easterly flow at the surface. Low level jet all the way to 76 N (south of ice edge), and strongest at 72N corresponding to the low level easterly flow. 

Update [17:30PM, Mon. Aug 14, 2017 PST] : Low level clouds long 150W with some breaks around 75N and . Extensive temperature inversion with evident cloud signature. Cloud top near 700 m around 78N and 200 m around 73N. Somewhat similar to the moist warm advection case but the low level moisture seems to come from the east for this case. 

Update [14:30PM, Mon. Aug 14, 2017 PST] : Low level clouds from the coast up to 73N. Extensive temperature inversion. Somewhat similar to the moist warm advection case. 

Update [17:30PM, Mon. Aug 7, 2017 PST] : High pressure cold advection, with a deep low to the northeast. Some low cloud along 150W at 700 m. 

  • Pan-Arctic maps

Sea ice concentration at analysis time

Mean sea leve pressure at valid time

700 hPa Geopotential Height

700 hPa temperature

700 hPa relative humidity

700 hPa wind speed

Pressure on 2PVU surface

Pressure on 2PVU surface

Low-level cloud cover

Mid-level cloud cover


  • Beaufort and Chukchi seasonal ice zone (the map is centered at 150W)

Sea ice concentration at analysis time

Mean sea leve pressure at valid time

2-m air temperature

2-m relative humidty

low cloud fraction

middle cloud fraction


  • Transects along 150W