GFS Forecast: analysis time: 18Z 2017-08-16 :: valid time: 22Z 2017-08-17
Update [20:00PM, Tue. Aug 16, 2017 PST] : Low cloud from coast up to 74 around 500 m. Weak winds 700 hPa and northerly/easterly flow near surface. Strongest jet shift north to 76N closer to the ice edge at 500 m. Low level very humid (RH>90%) all the way to 80N.
Update [18:30PM, Tue. Aug 15, 2017 PST] : Low cloud from coast up to 73.5N below 500 m. Elevated temperature inversion is still there. Southerly flow at 700 hPa and northerly/easterly flow at the surface. Low level jet all the way to 76 N (south of ice edge), and strongest at 72N corresponding to the low level easterly flow.
Update [17:30PM, Mon. Aug 14, 2017 PST] : Low level clouds long 150W with some breaks around 75N and . Extensive temperature inversion with evident cloud signature. Cloud top near 700 m around 78N and 200 m around 73N. Somewhat similar to the moist warm advection case but the low level moisture seems to come from the east for this case.
Update [14:30PM, Mon. Aug 14, 2017 PST] : Low level clouds from the coast up to 73N. Extensive temperature inversion. Somewhat similar to the moist warm advection case.
Update [17:30PM, Mon. Aug 7, 2017 PST] : High pressure cold advection, with a deep low to the northeast. Some low cloud along 150W at 700 m.
- Pan-Arctic maps
- Beaufort and Chukchi seasonal ice zone (the map is centered at 150W)
- Transects along 150W