PIOMAS-20C is a sea ice thickness reconstruction covering the period 1901-2010. It is constructed using a coupled ice-ocean model using atmospheric forcing data from the ECMWF ERA-20C reanalysis to provide atmospheric forcing. Sea ice concentrations from the Hadley Center HadISST v2.0 data set are assimilated to constrain the model at the ice-edge. Details about how the data set was constructed , including validation results, are in:
Axel J. Schweiger, Kevin R. Wood, Jinlun Zhang, 2019. Arctic sea ice volume variability over 1901–2010: A model-based reconstruction. Journal of Climate (in early release) https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0008.1
More details coming soon on this page
Data are available in compressed NetCDF (v4) format. Information about the curvilinear grid is contained in the NetCDF files. The grid structure is the same as for PIOMAS. Below data provide monthly averages. Daily data are available by arrangement.
Variable | Filename | Dimension | Size | Link |
Effective Sea Ice Thickness | piomas20c.heff.1901.2010.v1.0.nc | 360 x 120 x (12*110) | 42MB | Link to File |
Sea Ice Concentration | piomas20c.area.1901.2010.v1.0.nc | 360 x 120 x (12*110) | 33MB | Link to File |
Sea Ice Velocity (u,v) | piomas20c.icevel.1901.2010.v1.0.nc | 360 x 120 x (12*110) | 110Mb | Link to File |
Monthly Averaged Total Sea ice Volume (netcdf) | piomas20c.1901.2010.vol.avg.month.nc | 1320 (12*110 years) | 23KB | Link to File |
Monthly Averaged Total Sea Ice Volume (text table) | piomas20c.1901.2010.vol.avg.month.txt | 1320 (12*110 years) | 11 KB | Link to File |
The data can also be downloaded using a sftp client using the following address: sftp://anonymous©pscfiles•apl•uw•edu/pscfiles/axel/piomas20c/v1.0/monthly
Password: anonymous
Please us know if you are using the data (axel-at-apl-uw-edu). Please cite the above reference for the data.
Caution: There are some differences between the standard PIOMAS data set and PIOMAS-20C as illustrated in the paper. Simple concatenation of the two to extend of either is not recommended. We hope to at some point create a data set that is inter-calibrated.

Arctic Sea Ice Volume Anomaly from 1901-2010 from PIOMAS-20C. Ice Volume Trends from 1901-1940 and 1979-2010 are calculated