PIOMAS Ice Volume Data, 1979-present
Daily: Click to Download Daily Ice Volume Data (gzipped file)
Data are in “gz” compressed format and need to be uncompressed. They are presented in a simple ASCII formatted table with 3 columns: Year, Day of Year, Volume. Leap years in PIOMAS are treated by integrating forward for 365 days. For leap years this means that no integration is performed for the last day of the year. The data presented here show the first 365 days of the year. Volume is given in 103 km3
Monthly: Click to Download Monthly Ice Volume Data (text file, CSV file for Spreadsheets)
Data are in ASCII table format with columns for each month and rows for years 1979 through present. Volume is given in 103 km3. Missing values are coded as -1.
Download Thickness Data:
Click to Download Thickness Data (average over domain where thickness > 0.15 m)
Data are in “gz” compressed format and need to be uncompressed. They are presented in a simple ASCII formatted table with 3 columns: Year, Day of Year, Thickness. Leap years in PIOMAS are treated by integrating forward for 365 days. For leap years this means that no integration is performed for the last day of the year. The data presented here show the first 365 days of the year. Thickness is given in m. Note that the file provides average thickness over the PIOMAS domain for areas thicker than 0.15 m
PIOMAS Monthly/Daily Data on the original Model Grid
Monthly and a subset of daily PIOMAS variables on the curve-linear model grid and utilities to read and process them can be downloaded here.
How to cite PIOMAS Ice volume time series
Volume time series and uncertainties:
Schweiger, A., R. Lindsay, J. Zhang, M. Steele, H. Stern, Uncertainty in modeled arctic sea ice volume, J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2011JC007084, 2011
Model details:
Zhang, J.L. and D.A. Rothrock, “Modeling global sea ice with a thickness and enthalpy distribution model in generalized curvilinear coordinates“, Mon. Weather Rev., 131, 845-861, 2003