Full Publication List

Selected Publications

  • T. C. Sutterley, T. Markus, T. Neumann, M. van den Broeke, J. M. van Wessem and S. Ligtenberg. Antarctic Ice Shelf Thickness Change from Multi-Mission Lidar Mapping. The Cryosphere, 2019. https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-13-1801-2019

  • Laurence, G., Burgess, D., Copland, L., Langley, K., Gogineni, P., Paden, J., Leuschen, C., van As, D., Fausto, R., Joughin, I., Smith, B. (2019), Measuring Height Change Around the Periphery of the Greenland Ice Sheet With Radar Altimetry. Frontiers in Earth Science, 7:146. doi:10.3389/feart.2019.00146

  • E. Ciracì, I. Velicogna and T. C. Sutterley. Mass Balance of Novaya Zemlya Archipelago, Russian High Arctic, Using Time-Variable Gravity from GRACE and Altimetry Data from ICESat and CryoSat-2. Remote Sensing, 10(11): 1817, 2018. https://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/10/11/1817

  • T. C. Sutterley, I. Velicogna, X. Fettweis, E. Rignot, B. Noël and M. van den Broeke. Evaluation of reconstructions of snow/ice melt in Greenland by regional atmospheric climate models using laser altimetry data. Geophysical Research Letters, 45(16):8324–8333, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018GL078645

  • Fudge, T.J., and B. Smith, “Instruments and Methods Light propagation in firn: application to borehole video“, J. Glaciology, 56(198), 614-624, 2010.

  • Conway, H., Smith, B., Vaswani, P. et al, “A low-frequency ice-penetrating radar system adapted for use from an airplane: test results from Bering and Malaspina Glaciers, Alaska, USA”, Annals Glaciology, 50(51), 93-97, 2009.

  • Krawczynski, M.J., M.D. Behn, S.B. Das, and I. Joughin,’ Constraints on the lake volume required for hydro-fracture through ice sheets’, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, 10.1029/2008GL036765, 2009.

  • Joughin, I., S. Tulaczyk, J.L. Bamber, D. Blankenship, J.W. Holt, T. Scambos, and D.G. Vaughan,’ Basal conditions for Pine Island and Thwaites glaciers, West Antarctica, determined using satellite and airborne data’, J. Glaciol., 55, 245-257, 2009.

  • Smith, B.E., Fricker, H.A., Joughin, I.R.., and S. Tulaczyk, ‘An inventory of active subglacial lakes in Antarctica detected by ICESat (2003-2008)’, J. Glaciology, 55(192), 573-595, 2009.

  • Shepherd, A., A. Hubbard, M. King, M. McMillan, and I. Joughin,’ Greenland ice sheet motion coupled with daily melting in late summer’, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, 10.1029/2008GL035758, 2009.

  • Howat, I.M., Smith, B.E., Joughin, I., et al, Rates of southeast Greenland ice volume loss from combined ICESat and ASTER observations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35(17), L17505, 2008.

  • Joughin, I., I. Howat, M. Fahnestock, B. Smith, W. Krabill, R. Alley, H. Stern, and M. Truffer, 2008, Continued Evolution of Jakobshavn Isbrae Following its Rapid Speedup, J. Geophys. Res., 113, F04006, doi:10.1029/2008JF001023.

  • Junge, K., and B.D. Swanson,’ High-resolution ice nucleation spectra of sea-ice bacteria: Implications for cloud formation and life in frozen environments‘, Biogeosciences Discussion, 4, 4261-4282, 2008.

  • Bell, R. E., M. Studinger, C. A. Shuman, M. A. Fahnestock, and I. Joughin,’ Large subglacial lakes in East Antarctica at the onset of fast-flowing ice streams’, Nature, 445, 904-907, 2007.

  • Mock, T. and K. Junge, “Psychrophilic Diatoms: Mechanisms for Survival in Freeze-thaw cycles”, Algae and Cyanobacteria in Extreme Environments, Springer Netherlands; DOI10.1007/978-1-4020-6112-7, pp. 343 to 364, 2007.

  • Howat, I. M., I. Joughin, and T. A. Scambos,’ Rapid changes in ice discharge from Greenland outlet glaciers’, Science, 315, 1559-1561, 2007.

  • Smith, B.E., Raymond, C.F. and T. Scambos, “Anisotropic texture of ice sheet surfaces”, J. Geophys. Res., 111(F1), F01019, 2006.

  • Joughin, I., ‘Climate change – Greenland rumbles louder as glaciers accelerate’, Science, 311, 1719-1720, 2006.

  • Vogel, S. W., Tulaczyk, S., Kamb, B., Engelhardt, H., Carsey, F. D., Behar, A. E., Lane, A. L. & Joughin, I,’ Subglacial conditions during and after stoppage of an Antarctic Ice Stream: Is reactivation imminent?’, Geophysical Research Letters, 32, 2005.

  • Winebrenner, D.P., B. Smith, G. Catania, C.F. Raymond, and H. Conway,’ Estimation of the temperature-dependence of radio-frequency attenuation beneath Siple Dome, from wide-angle and profiling radar observations’, Ann. Glaciology, Vol. 37, 2003.