Polar Microbiology Outreach

Recent Outreach Activities

We taught about sea ice and ice microbe research at a booth at the Polar Science Weekend at the Pacific Science Center in Seattle, 2010 and 2011; which about 20,000 people – kids, teachers and parents attended each year.
Karen Junge
Karen Cameron
Karen Junge
Karen Cameron
PI Junge is featured on posters developed for general public and elementary school rooms; http://www.pacificsciencecenter.org/scientists; http://www.cafepress.com/KJunge; http://www.pacificsciencecenter.org/scientists/ Scientists Like Me: Faces Of Discovery
Junge has provided microscopic image of ice algae taken by C. Krembs for a press announcement of the German Association for Botany on the Algae of the year 2011; Fragilariopsis cylindrus: http://www.dbg-phykologie.de/pages/22PressemitteilungAlgeJahr2011.html
Fragilariopsis cylindrus