PSC researchers conduct Atmospheric Research in the Polar Regions with a focus on Atmosphere-Ice-Ocean interactions and large scale atmospheric variability. PSC researchers are involved in research ranging from measurement programs deploying buoys that provide atmospheric pressure and temperature from the Arctic Ocean used for weather and climate prediction to lab-based research on the potential role of bacteria in the formation of ice particles in clouds. Read more »
Dramatic changes have occurred in polar ecosystems over the last several decades. These changes have had a profound impact on the organisms that inhabit the Arctic, ranging from sea ice algae to marine mammals, whose feeding habits are closely linked to the presence of the sea ice. Read more »
PSC has specialists who provide logistics support for field experiments. PSC staff have led and supported field experiments ranging from the Arctic Ice Dynamics Joint Experiment (AIDJEX) in the 1970′s, to SHEBA in the 1990′s, to the most recent deployments of the NPEO field and mooring camps. Read more »
Ice Sheet and Glaciers are very important elements of the Earth System. How the large ice sheets will respond to climate change is one of big unknowns when projecting future sea level rise. Will the ice sheets just slowly reduce in size and bring about slow changes in global sea level, or are there processes at play that may lead to a much more rapid disintegration? Read more »
PSC scientists are developing computer models of the Cryosphere. These models, when compared to observations, allow us to test our understanding of physical and biological processes. They also let us make predictions of potential future changes and examine the importance of particular processes. Read more »
The frontiers of Cryospheric research are in outer space. The presence of ice on other planets or space may yield new, fundamental insights into the development of the solar system and may also yield invaluable clues about the past and future of the Earth’s climate. PSC is involved in planetary cryospheric research studying the ice caps of Mars and the frozen oceans of Jupiter’s moon Europa. Read more »
Center researchers are working towards a better understanding of the processes that control the properties and circulation of the Polar Oceans. How is the ocean changing in response to sea ice loss and other environmental changes? How do these changes affect ecosystems, ice, and the atmosphere, both locally and globally? Read more »
Satellite and aircraft remote sensing provides the ability to measure and monitor elements of the cryosphere on a continuous basis and with much better spatial coverage than field or in situ measurements.This is particularly true for the harsh and difficult-to-access environment of the polar regions. Read more »
Sea Ice Research has long been the emphasis of research at the Polar Science Center. Since PSC’s inception following the Arctic Ice Dynamics Joint Experiment (AIDJEX), the topic of sea ice has evolved from basic fundamental research to a highlighted role in climate change. Read more »