Full Publication List



Woodgate, R.A., Segment Finding Algorithm for Zeus Central Tracking Detector, 1989, Rutherford Internal Report, ZEUS-RAL-89-13

Woodgate, R.A., Fast Circle Fit Algorithm for Segment Finding – TCRRPH, 1989, Rutherford Internal Report, ZEUS-RAL-89-14

* Woodgate, R.A., Thermal Infrared Detection of Buried Structures, 1990, University of Cambridge, Third Year Project, 67pp.

Dyce, N. et al  (8th author), Track Reconstruction Methodology in the Zeus Central Tracking Detector, 1990, AIP Conf Proc (Santa Fe, New Mexico), 209(1), 639-46


Woodgate, R.A., Aug 1992, Getting a closer look at the oceans, & Where the satellite cannot see, Digital Competition Entry – Prize winning

Woodgate, R.A., 1992, Data Assimilation using the Free Surface Cox Code, presented at UK Oceanography ‘92 Conference, Liverpool University (awarded Heaps Prize for best presentation by young scientist)

* Woodgate, R.A., 1993, Something for (almost) Nothing: the Quest of Data Assimilation, Ocean Challenge, (the Magazine of the Challenger Society for Marine Science), Vol 4, No 3, 28-32.

Woodgate, R.A., Sept 1993, Data Assimilation – a normal mode solution?, talk at Ocean Modelling Meeting, UCL London,

Woodgate, R.A. & P.D.Killworth, 1993, Can we derive pressure from density using vertical normal modes?, Ocean Modelling, 100, 5-6.

* Woodgate, R.A., 1994, Data Assimilation in Ocean Models, D.Phil Thesis, University of Oxford, 237pp.

Woodgate, R.A., 1994, Oxygen Isotope Ratios, in RRS Discovery Cruise 201 Report, R.T.Pollard, IOS Cruise Report, 240, 96pp.

Woodgate, R.A., 1994, On Fluid Dynamics in Confined Spaces, JASS (Journal of the Ashford Spelaeological Society), 64, 8-10.

Haine, T.W.N., M.I.Liddicoat, E.L.McDonagh, R.A.Woodgate, M.F. da Costa & A.R.Child, 1995, CFCs, in RRS Discovery Cruise 207 Report, R.R.Dickson, MAFF Cruise Report,  79pp.


Fahrbach, E., Ch.Heinze, G.Rohardt & R.A.Woodgate, 1994, Moored Current Meter Measurements in the East Greenland Current, Poster at ACSYS Meeting in Gothenburg.

Woodgate, R.A., 1994, World Passages – the Nordic Seas, with a view  to verification of a Global Model, AWI internal report and talk, 3pp.

Woodgate, R.A., 1995, To assimilate altimeter (and other) data – studies using a free surface primitive equation model with nudging assimilation, Oral presentation at IUGG

Hawaii, 7-12 August, 1995.

Woodgate, R.A., 1995, Data assimilation as applied to a 1 degree Atlantic model – some cautionary tales, Poster presentation at IUGG Hawaii, 7-12 August, 1995.

Fahrbach, E., Ch.Heinze, G.Rohardt & R.A.Woodgate, 1995, Moored Current Meter Measurements in the East Greenland Current, Extended abstract from Nordic Seas symposium, Hamburg, March 7-9, Arctic Ocean Sciences Board and Sonderforschungsbereich “Processes relevant to climate”, 57–60.

Darnall, C., E.Fahrbach, N.Nordlund & R.Woodgate, 1995, Der Massen-, Wärme- und Süßwassertransport des Ostgrönlandstromes, in Reports on Polar Research, The Expedition ARKTIS X/1 of the Research Vessel “Polarstern” in 1994., Vol 181, 79pp.

* Woodgate, R.A. & P.D.Killworth, 1996, The Problem of the Barotropic Mode in Deriving Pressure from Density using Vertical Normal Modes, J.Geophys.Res., 101, 3765–3768.

Darnall, C. & R.A.Woodgate, 1996, Transport of Mass, Heat and Fresh Water in the East Greenland Current, in Reports on Polar Research, The Expedition ARKTIS X1/2 of the Research Vessel “Polarstern” in 1995., Vol 197.

Fahrbach E., R.Meyer, G.Rohardt, M.Schroeder, A.Wisotski and R.Woodgate, June 1996, Gradual Warming of the Weddell Sea Deep and Bottom Water, Poster at the Oceanography Society Meeting in Amsterdam, 1996.

Woodgate, R.A., E.Fahrbach and G.Rohardt, Sept 1996, The East Greenland Current – Results from current meter moorings at 75N from 1987-1995, talk at UK Oceanography Conference in Bangor.

Fahrbach, E., J. Gorny, A.Hansjosten, M.Heras, U.Horstmann, M.Jochum, L.Kolb, R.Meyer, G.Rohardt, H.Rohr, M.Schröder, G.Tan, T.Winterrath, A.Wisotzki, H.Witte and R.A.Woodgate, 1997 Deep and Bottom Water Formation in the Weddell Sea., in Reports on Polar Research, The Expedition ANTARKTIS XIII/4-5 of the Research Vessel “Polarstern” in 1996., Vol 239.

Woodgate, R.A., E.Fahrbach and G.Rohardt, 1997, The East Greenland Current at 75N – annual and interannual variation from moored current meters., Annales Geophysicae, E.G.S., 15, suppl II, C374.

Woodgate, R.A., E.Fahrbach and U.Schauer, 1997, Benthic Storms in the Greenland Sea?, Annales Geophysicae, E.G.S., 15, suppl II, C373

Fahrbach, E., G.Rohardt, M.Schröder and R.Woodgate, 1997, Gradual warming of the Weddell Sea Deep and Bottom Water., Annales Geophysicae, E.G.S., 15, suppl II, C363

* Woodgate, R.A. & P.D.Killworth, 1997, The Effects of Assimilation on the Physics of an Ocean Model.  Part 1: Theoretical model and barotropic results, J.Atmos. Ocean. Tech., 14, No.4, 897-909.

* Woodgate, R.A., 1997, The Effects of Assimilation on the Physics of an Ocean Model.  Part 2:Baroclinic identical twin experiments, J.Atmos. Ocean. Tech., 14, No.4, 910-924.

Schauer U. and S.Østerhus, 1997, VEINS Lance-6-97 Fram Strait 23rd August to 17th September 97 Cruise Report, Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Physik, 82.

Woodgate, R.A., 1997, Book review of The Ocean Circulation Inverse Problem, C.Wunsch., Ocean Challenge, Vol 7, No.2, p40.

Woodgate, R.A., 1997, Can we Assimilate Temperature Data Alone into a Full Equation of State Model??, Ocean Modelling, 114, (Sept 97), 4-5.

Nicholls, K., S.Ackley, E.Hunke, B.Moat and R.Woodgate, 1998, Cruise Report for ROPEX 1997/1998, BAS Internal Report (ref GEN/1997/S2),  30pp.

Woodgate, R., 1998, CTD work and LADCP work in E.Fahrbach, P.Haugan, M.Lipizer, A.Luchetta, M.Meredith, U.Schauer, V.Tverberg, W.Walczowski & R.Woodgate, Work package 1.3 Fram Strait, European Commission MAST III Programme, Contract MAS3-CT96-0070 VEINS., Report of the 1st Workpackages Workshop, Nov 24th 1997.

Fahrbach, E., R.Meyer, G.Rohardt, M.Schröder & R.A.Woodgate, 1998, Gradual warming of the Weddell Sea deep and bottom water., FRISP Report No.12, Ed. H. Oerter, Alfred-Wegener-Institute, Bremerhaven, Germany. p24-34.

Woodgate, R.A., M.Schröder & S.Østerhus, 1998, Moorings from the Filchner Trough and the Ronne Ice Shelf Front: Preliminary Results., FRISP Report No.12, Ed. H. Oerter, Alfred-Wegener-Institute, Bremerhaven, Germany. p85-90.

Fohrmann, H., J.O.Bachhaus, B.J.Haupt, J.Kämpf, W.Ritzran, J.Rumohr & R.A.Woodgate, 1998, Sediment Transport in the Greenland -Norwegian Sea., review article in book, in prep

European Commission MAST III Programme, Contract MAS3-CT96-0070 VEINS.

Report of the 2nd Workpackages Workshop, Nov 22th 1998.  – Work package 1.3 Fram Strait E.Fahrbach, P.Haugan, M.Lipizer, A.Luchetta, M.Meredith, U.Schauer, V.Tverberg, W.Walczowski & R.Woodgate – Mooring work, R A.Woodgate

Woodgate, R.A., U.Schauer & E.Fahrbach, Moored Current Meters in the Fram Strait at 79N: Preliminary Results with special emphasis on the West Spitsbergen Current., Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Physik, AWI, No.91, 150pp.

Meyer, R., R.A. Woodgate, B.Rudels, E.Fahrbach, U.Schauer, S Osterhus, V.Tverberg, 1998, Circulation in the Fram Strait, Poster presentation at AGU

Padmann L., K.Nicholls & R.A.Woodgate, 1998, Oceanographic Results from the Ronne Polynya Experiment in the Southern Weddell Sea.,Poster presentation at AGU 1998

Jonsson, S., R.A.Woodgate and E.Fahrbach, 1999, The East Greenland Current from Fram Strait to Denmark Strait, oral presentation, EGS 1999


* Woodgate, R.A. and E.Fahrbach, 1999, Benthic Storms in the Greenland Sea., Deep-Sea Research I, 46, 2109-2127.

* Woodgate, R.A., E.Fahrbach and G.Rohardt, 1999, Transports and Structure of the East Greenland Current at 75N from Moored Current Meters, J.Geophys.Res., 104 (C8), 18,059-18,072.

Jonsson, S., R.A.Woodgate and E.Fahrbach, 1999, The East Greenland Current from Fram Strait to Denmark Strait, abstract for EGS 1999.

Verduin, J., R.Woodgate, E.Fahrbach, J.Meincke, S Østerhus, U.Schauer and V.Tverberg,

1999, Direct Measurements of volume transports across Fram Strait and their variability.,

ICES extended abstract, ICES CM 1999/L:17.

Woodgate, R.A., K.Aagaard, R.D.Muench, J.Gunn, G.Björk, B.Rudels, A.T.Roach and U.Schauer, 1999, Effects of Barents Sea Outflow on the Upper Waters of the Eastern Arctic Ocean., poster at OAII Meeting, Virginia Beach.

Woodgate, R.A., K.Aagaard, R.D.Muench, J.Gunn, G.Björk, B.Rudels, A.T.Roach and U.Schauer, 2000, Circulation and Transports in the Vicinity of the South-eastern Lomonosov Ridge., abstract for talk at Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Antonio, Texas.

Ralph, E.A., K.Aagaard, A.T.Roach, J.Johnson, R.Woodgate, A.Cates, 2000, The Keweenaw Current: Surprises in annual time series., abstract for Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Antonio, Texas.

Fahrbach, E., S.Harms, K.Nicholls, S Østerhus, G.Rohardt, M.Schröder and R.Woodgate, 2000, Bottom Water Formation and Sea ice Transport in the Weddell Sea., abstract for EGS 2000.

Woodgate, R.A. and K.Aagaard, 2000, A Synthesis of Arctic Ocean Time Series, with application to Shelf-Basin Interactions., abstract and talk for SBI Planning Meeting, Baltimore

* Rudels, B., R.Meyer, E.Fahrbach, V.Ivanov, S.Østerhus, D.Quadfasel, U.Schauer, V.Tverburg and R.A.Woodgate, 2000, The Water Mass Distribution in Fram Strait and over the Yermak Plateau in Summer 1997., Ann. Geophys., 18, 687-705.

Padman, L., K.Nicholls and R.A.Woodgate, 2000, The 1998 Ronne Polynya Experiment (ROPEX)., in press Antarctic Journal of the US.

Fahrbach, E., S.Harms, H.Hellmer, K,Nicholls, A.Jenkins, S.Osterhus, L.Padman, G.Rohardt, M.Schroeder and R.Woodgate, 2000, The fieldwork during the “Polarstern” cruise ANT XVI/2 as a contribution to the study of bottom water formation and sea ice transport in the Weddell Sea., FRISP report, in press

BBC, 2000, Vets in the Wild, special 1hr television documentary on polar bears and sea ice in the Canadian Archipelago.

Woodgate R.A. and K.Aagaard, 2000, ONR proposal An extended analysis of time-series and hydrographic data with reference to shelf-basin interaction., funded by ONR

Aagaard K. and R.A.Woodgate, ONR proposal, Time Series Measurements in Bering Strait 2001-2002, An interim contribution to SBI, funded by ONR

Woodgate, R.A., Cruise report for Alpha Helix Cruise HX235 to the Bering Strait, August-September, 2000,.

Woodgate, R.A., 2000, ,The Arctic Ocean Boundary Current – Facts and Fiction, Physical Oceanography Lunch Seminar, University of Washington.

Woodgate, R.A. and K.Aagaard, 2000, Arctic Ocean Inflow and Boundary Currents from Moored Time Series Measurements, invited talk at SBI meeting in Atlanta

* Woodgate, R.A., K.Aagaard, R.D.Muench, J.Gunn, G.Björk, B.Rudels, A.T.Roach and U.Schauer, 2001, The Arctic Ocean Boundary Current along the Eurasian slope and the adjacent Lomonosov Ridge: Water mass properties, transports and transformations from moored instruments.. , Deep-Sea Res. I. 48,8, 1757-1792.

* Fahrbach, E., S.Harms, G.Rohardt, M.Schröder & R.A.Woodgate, 2001, Flow of bottom water in the northwestern Weddell Sea., J. Geophys. Res., 106, C2, 2761-2778.

* Aagaard K., & R.A.Woodgate, 2001, Some thoughts on the freezing and melting of sea ice and their effects on the ocean., Ocean Modelling, 3, 127-135.

Woodgate, R.A. & K.Aagaard, 2001, High Latitude Dynamics web site, http://psc.apl.washington.edu/HLD

* Woodgate, R.A., K.Aagaard, J.Swift, W.M.Smethie, and K.Falkner, 2001, NSF Arctic Natural Sciences proposal, Collaborative Research: The Influence of the Mendeleev Ridge and Chukchi Borderland on the Large-scale Circulation of the Arctic Ocean.

Woodgate, R.A, and K.Aagaard, 2001, The Circulation in the Chukchi Sea from 1990 to 1991: Results from Moored Instrumentation., talk at SBI meeting in Albuquerque

Aagaard, K. and R.A.Woodgate, 2001. ONR proposal, Extended Measurements in Bering Strait., funded by ONR

* Weingartner, T., K.Aagaard, R.A.Woodgate and T.Whitledge, 2001, NSF Shelf Basin Interaction proposal, Collaborative Research: The Fate of a Large and Strongly Forced Arctic Shelf Outflow: Physical and Biochemical Process Studies.

Arntz, W.E., T.Brey, J-M. Gili, K. Beyer, A. Mackensen, R. Woodgate, H-J. Urban, Message from a Mooring: Ecology of the Antarctic Barnacle Bathylasma corolliforme. poster at SCAR Biology Symposium, Sept 2001.

Woodgate, R.A., 2001, Cruise report for Alpha Helix Cruise HX250 to the Bering Strait, September, 2001.

Woodgate, R.A., The Arctic Ocean Boundary Current – Facts and fiction, invited talk at Oregon State University, December 2001

Woodgate, R.A., K.Aagaard, J.Swift, W.M.Smethie, and K.Falkner, 2002, Atlantic meets Pacific at an Arctic Crossroads, invited article for Witness the Arctic

Witze, A., 2002, Arctic Adventure helps expand data on climate change, interview for article in Dallas Morning News, May 2002

Woodgate, R.A., K.Aagaard, J.Swift, W.M.Smethie, and K.Falkner, 2002, The Arctic Crossroads, presentation to the community in Barrow (given by Tom Weingartner)

Nof, D., and R.A Woodgate, 2002, The Role of Bering Strait in the Global and Local Circulation, ONR planning letter and proposal

Woodgate, R.A., 2002, Cruise report for Alpha Helix Cruise HX260 to the Bering Strait, July, 2002.

* Morison, J.H., K.Aagaard, K.K.Falkner, K. Hatakeyama, R. Moritz, J.E. Overland, D.Perovich, K. Shimada, M. Steele, T.Takizawa and R. Woodgate, 2002, North Pole Environmental Observatory delivers early results, EOS, 83, 357-361

Woodgate, R.A., K.Aagaard, J.Swift, W.M.Smethie, K.Falkner, E. Hawker, and T.Weingartner, 2003, Exits and Entrances – Large-scale Arctic Ocean Circulation as a neighbour for the Beaufort Sea. invited talk at MMS Beaufort Sea conference in Fairbanks, Feb 2003

Woodgate, R.A., K.Aagaard and T.Weingartner, 2003, A Year in the Physical Oceanography of the Chukchi Sea: 1990-1991, talk at SBI PI Meeting in Miami, March 2003.

Woodgate, R.A., K.Aagaard, J.Swift, W.M.Smethie, and K.Falkner, 2003, The Chukchi Borderland Cruise 2002, talk at SBI PI Meeting in Miami, March 2003.

McPhee, M, E. D’Asaro, P.Guest, R. Harcourt, D. Holland, R.Lindsay, J. Morison, R. Muench, L. Padman, T. Stanton, R.Woodgate,  June 2003  NSF proposal, Collaborative Research:  The Maud Rise Nonlinear Equation of State Study (MaudNESS)

* Nicholls, K.W., L.Padman, M.Schröder, R.A.Woodgate, A.Jenkins, and S. Østerhus, 2003, Water mass modification over the continental shelf north of Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica, J. Geophys. Res., 108 (C8), 3260, doi:10.1029/2002JC001713.

Woodgate, R.A., and the cruise participants, 2003, Cruise report for the Polar Star Chukchi Borderland cruise, August-September 2002. http://psc.apl..washington.edu/CBL.html

Woodgate, R.A , 2003, Journey to the Arctic Crossroads, invited article for APL Biennial report

Woodgate, R.A., 2003, Cruise report for Alpha Helix Cruise HX274 to the Bering Strait, July, 2003.

* Foldvik, A., T. Gammelsrod, S. Østerhus, E. Fahrbach, G. Rohardt, M. Schröder, K.W. Nicholls, L. Padman, R.A. Woodgate, 2004, Ice Shelf Water Overflow and Bottom Water Formation in the Southern Weddell Sea., J. Geophys. Res., 109, doi:10.1029/2003JC002008.

Muenchow, A., R. Pickart and R. Woodgate, 2004, Evolution of a “Poleward Undercurrent” Over the Continental Slope off Arctic Alaska Eos Trans. AGU, 84(52), Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., 2003

Aagaard, K, R. Woodgate, R and  T. Weingartner, 2004, The Pacific Inflow through Bering Strait 1990-2002, invited talk at ASLO/TOS Ocean Research Conference 2004, Honolulu

Pickart, R, T. Weingartner, R. Woodgate and K. Aagaard, 2004, The Chukchi-Beaufort Shelf/Slope Boundary, talk at ASLO/TOS Ocean Research Conference 2004, Honolulu.

Williams, W J, E.C. Carmack, K. Aagaard, R.W. MacDonald, R. Woodgate, R.G.Ingram, 2004, Shelf-break Exchange Processes at a wide Arctic Canyon: Mackenzie Canyon, Beaufort Sea, talk at ASLO/TOS Ocean Research Conference 2004, Honolulu.

* Lindsay, R.W. D.M.Holland and R.A.Woodgate, 2004, Halo of Low Ice Concentration Observed over the Maud Rise Seamount, Geophys. Res. Lett., L13302, doi:10.1029/2004GL019831

Woodgate, R.A. and K. Aagaard, 2004, An Extended Analysis of Time Series and Hydrographic Data with Reference to Shelf-Basin Interactions, ONR Final report

Woodgate, R.A., 2004, Cruise report for Alpha Helix Cruise HX290 to the Bering Strait, Aug/Sept, 2004,


Woodgate, R.A., and the cruise participants, 2004, Cruise report for the USCGC Healy HLY-03-03 SBI Mooring Cruise, September-October  2003.


Woodgate, R.A., and K. Aagaard, 2004, The Freshwater Flux to the Arctic via the Bering Strait, EOS Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C54A-04

Bitz, C. M. and R. A, Woodgate, 2004, Increased Heat Transport into the Arctic Ocean in a Climate Model of the 21st Century, EOS Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS34A-07

Falkner, K. K., M. Steele, R.A. Woodgate, J. H. Swift, K. Aagaard and J. Morison, 2004,Dissolved Oxygen Extrema in the Arctic Ocean Halocline from the North Pole to the Lincoln Sea , EOS Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS41A-0465.

Woodgate, R.A., T. Weingartner, T. Whitledge, J.Calder, I.Lavrenov, J.Cherniawsky, A. Proshutinsky, Measuring the Pacific Input to the Arctic via the Bering Strait, IPY (International Polar Year) Expression of Intent, Jan 2005.

Woodgate, R.A., K. Shimada, H. Melling, A. Proshutinsky, I. Polyakov, G. Bjork, S. Pryamikov, J. Shao, M. Steele, Transport pathways and circulation within the Canadian Basin of the Arctic Ocean., IPY (International Polar Year) Expression of Intent, Jan 2005.

* Woodgate, R.A., and K. Aagaard, 2005, Revising the Bering Strait Freshwater Flux into the Arctic Ocean, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L02602, doi:10.1029/2004GL021747.


* Woodgate, R. A., K. Aagaard and T. J. Weingartner. 2005, Monthly temperature, salinity, and transport variability of the Bering Strait through flow, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L04601, doi:10.1029/2004GL021880


* Perovich, D.K., J. Weatherly, H.Eichen, T.Weingartner, B.Light, R.W.Lindsay, R A Woodgate, 2005, Collaborative Research on Sunlight and the Arctic Atmosphere-Ice-Ocean System, NSF Proposal to ARCS Synthesis announcement.

Woodgate, R.A., K. Aagaard, J.H Swift, W. Smethie, K.K. Falkner, 2005, Ocean and Ice at an Arctic Crossroads, oral presentation at CliC (Climate and Cryosphere) International Conference, Beijing, China, April 2005

Woodgate, R.A., et al., 2005, Bering Strait IPY Project, oral presentation to AOSB board, Kunming, China, April 2005

Woodgate, R.A. et al.., 2005, Canadian Basin IPY Project, oral presentation to AOSB board, Kunming, China, April 2005

Woodgate, R.A., K.Aagaard, T.Weingartner, T.Whitledge, J.Calder, K.Crane, I.Lavrenov, 2005, Bering Strait: Pacific Gateway to the Arctic Ocean, invited speaker for ASSW (Arctic Science Summit Week). Kunming, China, April 2005, sponsored by Chinese Government.

Woodgate, R.A., 2005, The Arctic Climate Panel of CliC, invited talk for PAG (Pacific Arctic Group) in Kunming, China, April 2005.

Woodgate, R.A., K. Aagaard, J.H Swift, W. Smethie, K.K. Falkner, 2005, Ocean and Ice at an Arctic Crossroads, oral presentation at PAG (Pacific Arctic Group) in Kunming, China, April 2005

Woodgate, R.A., K.Aagaard, T.Weingartner, T.Whitledge, J.Calder, K.Crane, I.Lavrenov, 2005, Bering Strait – Ambassador of the Bering Sea, oral presentation at ESSAS/GLOBEC conference, Victoria, Canada, May 2005.

Woodgate, R.A. and K.Aagaard, 2005, Bering Strait’s Contribution to Arctic Freshwater, invited talk at FWI (Freshwater Initiative) Meeting, Seattle, USA, June 2005

Woodgate, R.A., 2005, Mooring cruise report for CCGS Sir Wilfrid Laurier cruise to the Bering Strait, July 2005, http://psc.apl.washington.edu/SWL2005.html

* Falkner, K.K., M.Steele, R.A.Woodgate, J.Swift, K.Aagaard & J.Morison, 2005, Dissolved oxygen extrema in the Arctic ocean halocline from the North Pole to the Lincoln Sea. Deep Sea Research I, 52 (7), 1138–1154

* Woodgate, R.A, K.Aagaard and T.Weingartner, 2005, A year in the Physical Oceanography of the Chukchi Sea. Moored measurements from Autumn 1990-1991, Deep Sea Research Part II, 52, 3116-3149, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2005.10.016.


* Weingartner, T., K.Aagaard, R.Woodgate, S. Danielson, Y.Sasaki, D.Cavalieri, 2005, Circulation on the North Central Chukchi Sea Shelf, Deep Sea Research Part II, 52, 3150-3174, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2005.10.015

* Woodgate, R.A., K.Aagaard, J.H.Swift, K.K.Falkner and W.M.Smethie, 2005, Pacific Ventilation of the Arctic Ocean’s lower halocline by upwelling and diapycnal mixing over the continental margin, Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L18609, doi:10.1029/2005GL023999.


* Zhang, J., and R.A Woodgate, 2005, BEST: The Impact of Changes in Sea Ice on the Physical Forcings of the Eastern Bering Ecosystem – Retrospective Investigation and Future Projection, NSF Proposal to ANS- BEST announcement.

* Bitz, C., P. Gent, R.A. Woodgate, A. Hall, M. Holland and R. Lindsay, 2006, The Influence of sea-ice on ocean heat uptake in response to increasing CO2, Journal of Climate, 19, 2437 – 2450.

Aagaard, K., R.A. Woodgate, T.J. Weingartner, 2006, Control of the Bering Strait Throughflow and its Salinity, Eos Trans. AGU, 87 (36), Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS32P-06, – presentation

Woodgate, R.A., K. Aagaard, J.H. Swift, W.M. Smethie, K.K. Falkner, 2006, Boundary Current Circulation in the Mendeleev Ridge and Chukchi Borderland Region of the Arctic Ocean – Atlantic Water Zigzags and the Influence of Shelf Processes at the Arctic Crossroads, Eos Trans. AGU, 87 (36), Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS33N-02, – presentation

Muenchow, A., R.S. Pickart, T. Weingartner, R.A. Woodgate, D. Kadko, 2006, Arctic Boundary Currents Over the Chukchi and Beaufort Slope Seas: Observational Snapshots, Tramsports, Scales and Spatial Variability from ADCP Surveys, Eos Trans. AGU, 87 (36), Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS33N-03, – presentation

Woodgate, R.A., K. Aagaard and T.J. Weingartner, 2006, Pacific Ventilation of the Arctic, talk at SBI PI meeting, Kauai.

* Woodgate, R.A., K.Aagaard and T.J. Weingartner, 2006, Interannual changes in the Bering Strait fluxes of Volume, Heat and Freshwater between 1991 and 2004,  Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L15609, doi:10.1029/2006GL026931, available at http://psc.apl.washington.edu/HLD/Bstrait/BSFluxpaper.html

* Woodgate, R.A., R. Lindsay, T. Weingartner and T.Whitledge, 2006, IPY: Collaborative Research: The Pacific Gateway to the Arctic – Quantifying and Understanding Bering Strait Oceanic Fluxes, submitted to RUSALCA NOAA AO and NSF-IPY AO.

Woodgate, R.A., 2006, Mooring cruise report for CCGS Sir Wilfrid Laurier cruise to the Bering Strait, July 2006, http://psc.apl.washington.edu/SWL2006.html

Woodgate, R.A., K.Aagaard, J.H. Swift, W. Smethie, K.K. Falkner, T.Weingartner, Zigzagging in the Arctic, invited talk at Magic of Modelling conference in honour of Peter Killworth’s 60th Birthday, Southampton, UK, Sept 2006.

* Aagaard, K., T.J.Weingartner, S.L. Danielson, R.A. Woodgate, G.C.Johnson, T.E.Whitledge, 2006, Some controls on flow and salinity in Bering Strait, Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L19602, doi:10.1029/2006GL026612.

Woodgate, R.A., K. Aagaard, T. Weingartner, T.Whitledge, J.Calder, K.Crane, I.Lavrenov, 2006, Bering Strait: Pacific Gateway to the Arctic, invited talk at CATS conference at OSU.

* Serreze, M.C., A.P. Barrett, A.G.Slater, R.A.Woodgate K.Aagaard, R.Lammers, M.Steele, R.Moritz, M.Meredith, and C.Lee, 2006, The Large-scale Freshwater Cycle of the Arctic, Journal of Geophysical Research, 111 C11010, doi:10.1029/2005JC003424.

* Goes, J.I., H.Gomes, E.J. D’Sa, J.Wang, R.A.Woodgate, 2006, Assessing the Bio-optical Response of Coastal Arctic Ecosystems to Diminished Sea-Ice, NOPP proposal.

* Woodgate, R.A., and M. Steele, 2006, Atlantic Water in the Western Arctic Ocean – pathways, driving mechanisms, and impacts, NSF-OPP (ANS) proposal

Panteleev, G, V.Luchin, R.Woodgate, D.Nechaev, P.Stabeno, 2006,Variational reconstruction of the quasi-stationary Bering Sea circulation and reanalysis of the fall 1990 circulation in the Chukchi Sea. abstract for NPRB Alaska Symposium

Woodgate, R.A., K.Aagaard, T.Weingartner, T.Whitledge, R.Lindsay, The Pacific Gateway to the Arctic – change and implications of the Bering Strait Throughflow. 2007, invited talk at ONR site visit.

Woodgate R.A., and J,Johnson, Ocean WatchDogs – how to measure the ocean when you’re not there, North Pole Mooring, – working exhibits and posters on mooring work in ice covered waters at Polar Science Weekend at the Polar Science Center, Seattle, Mar 8 – 11th, 2007.

* Woodgate, R.A., K.Aagaard, J.H.Swift, W.M.Smethie and K.K.Falkner, 2007, Atlantic Water Circulation over the Mendeleev Ridge and Chukchi Borderland from Thermohaline Intrusions and Water Mass Properties, Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, C02005, doi:10.1029/2005JC003416.


Woodgate, R., K.Aagaard, J.Swift, B.Smethie and K.Falkner, Temperature-salinity Zigzags:

Tracing Atlantic Water through the Arctic using Double-Diffusive Intrusions, 2007, Poster at Gordon Conference.

Deming, J., and R.A Woodgate, The Changing Arctic Ocean – UW interdisciplinary graduate course (Ocean 506A), Spring Quarter 2007, http://psc.apl.washington.edu/HLD/ArcticChange07/ArcticChange07.html

Woodgate, R.A., K.Aagaard and T.Weingarter, 2007, First steps in calibrating the Bering Strait Throughflow, APL internal report,  20pp, http://psc.apl..washington.edu/BeringStrait.html

* Woodgate, R.A., R. Lindsay, T. Weingartner and T.Whitledge, 2007, RUSALCA: The Pacific Gateway to the Arctic – Quantifying and Understanding Bering Strait Oceanic Fluxes, NOAA-RUSALCA proposal.

* Woodgate, R.A., 2007, Atlantic Waters in the Western Arctic Ocean – pathways, properties and processes of exchange, NSF-OPP (ANS) proposal

* White, D., L. Hinzman, L. Alessa, J. Cassano, M. Chambers, K. Falkner, J. Francis, B. Gutowski, M. Holland, M. Holmes, H. Huntington, D. Kane, A. Kliskey, C. Lee, J. McClelland, B.Peterson, F. Straneo, M. Steele, R. Woodgate, D. Yang, K. Yoshikawa, T. Zhang, 2007, The Arctic Freshwater System: changes and impacts, Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, G04S54, doi:10.1029/2006JG000353..

Woodgate, R.A., T. Weingartner, T.Whitledge, I.Lavrenov, K.Aagaard, R.Lindsay, Pacific Gateway to the Arctic: Recent measurements of the Bering Strait Throughflow, 2007, invited talk at RUSALCA planning meeting in Moscow.

Nechaev, D., G. Panteleev, R.Woodgate, 2007,Variational reconstruction of the Chukchi Sea circulation in October-December 1990. abstract for AGU Dec 2007.

Gieger B., “Our Changing Climate – The Poles”,2008, outreach book from Sally Ride Science, includes feature on Woodgate and polar research.

Woodgate, R.A., The Arctic Ocean and “Scaling”, invited talk at Scaling meeting, Seattle, Jan 2008

Woodgate, R.A., The Changing Arctic Ocean, First in a 3 part UW Alumni Public Lecture Series entitled ‘Arctic Adventure: Tales of Currents and Creatures’, organized by UW-COFS (College of Ocean and Fisheries Science), February 2008

Woodgate R.A., and J,Johnson, Ocean WatchDogs – how to measure the ocean when you’re not there, North Pole Mooring, – working exhibits and posters on mooring work in ice covered waters at Polar Science Weekend at the Polar Science Center, Seattle, Mar 6-9th, 2008.

Woodgate, R.A., 2008, Mooring cruise report for RUSALCA Sever to the Bering Strait, August/Sept 2007, http://psc.apl.washington.edu/BeringStrait.html

* Melling, H., K.K.Falkner, R.A.Woodgate, S.Prinsenberg, A.Muenchow, D.Greenberg, T.Agnew, R.Samelson, C.Lee, B.Petrie, Freshwater Fluxes via Pacific and Arctic Outflows across the Canadian Polar Shelf, 2008, ASOF (Arctic Subarctic Ocean Fluxes) special volume, Springer-Verlag.

Woodgate, R.A., Roles for the Ocean in the 2007 Arctic Sea-ice retreat, Polar Science Brown Bag Lunch talk, March 2008

* Dmitrenko, I. A., S. A. Kirillov, V.V. Ivanov, and R. A. Woodgate, 2008, Mesoscale Atlantic Water Eddy off the Laptev Sea continental slope carries the signature of upstream interaction, J. Geophys. Res., 113, C07005, doi: 10.1029/ 2007JC00449.

Woodgate. R.A., T. Weingartner, R.Lindsay, T.Whitledge, Bering Strait AON project, invited talk at AON meeting at Palisades, New York, April 2008

Woodgate, R.A., The Ocean’s role in the 2007 Arctic Sea-ice Minimum, invited talk at NY Sea-ice retreat workship, Palisades, New York, April 2008

Woodgate, R.A., The Gordon Stuart Peek Foundation Memorial Bells, opening speech as Tower Captain at the official opening of the bells, 31st May 2008, University of Washington.

* Zhang, J., M.Steele, and R.A.Woodgate, submitted 2008, The role of Pacific Water in the dramatic retreat of arctic sea-ice during summer 2007, Journal of Polar Science.

Woodgate. R.A., T. Weingartner, R.Lindsay, T.Whitledge, K.Aagaard, Pacific Inflow to the Arctic Ocean – changes in the Bering Strait throughflow, invited talk at NOAA Climate Division Annual System Review, Washington DC, Sept 2-5 2008.

* Darby, D., J.Ortiz, L.Polyak, S.Lund, M.Jakobsson and R.A Woodgate, submitted 2008, Holocene sedimentation in the western Arctic Ocean: comparison of Chukchi-Alaskan margin with deep-sea sediments; drift deposits and the role of sea ice, Global and Planetary Change.

Woodgate, R.A., R. Lindsay, T. Weingartner and T.Whitledge, 2008, An Ocean Observing System for the Bering Strait, the Pacific Gateway to the Arctic – an integral part of the Arctic Observing Network, NSF-OPP AON (Arctic Observing Network) Implementation proposal

Rainville, L., R.A.Woodgate, M.Wang, A. Mahadevan, and P. Matrai,  2008, Impacts of the Changing Seasonality of Wind-driven Mixing on the Arctic System, NSF-OPP ARCS Seasonality proposal

Hunt, G., P.Stabeno, R. Woodgate, 2008, Advective Processes in the Eastern Bering Sea, invited talk at fall 2008 ESSAS meeting in Nova Scotia.

Woodgate, R.A., 2008, Mooring cruise report for RUSALCA Lavrentiev to the Bering Strait, October 2008, http://psc.apl.washington.edu/BeringStrait.html

Woodgate, R.A., 2008, Pathways and Properties of Atlantic Waters in the Western Arctic Ocean, NSF-OPP (ANS) proposal

Woodgate R.A., ‘Bering Strait: Pacific Gateway to the Arctic”, invited talk at 2008 ASOF (Arctic Subarctic Ocean Fluxes) meeting in Halifax, 12-14th Nov 2008

Darby, D., J.Ortiz, L.Polyak, S.Lund, M.Jakobsson and R.A Woodgate, 2008, Shelf and Slope Sedimentation in the Arctic Ocean: Comparison of the Alaskan Margin with Deep-Sea Sediments; Drift Deposits and the Role of Sea Ice, abstract AGU 2008.

Panteleev, G., T.Kikuchi, D.Nechaev, A.Proshutinsky, R.Woodgate, M.Yaremchuk, J.Zhang, 2008, Toward the reanalysis of the of the circulation in the Chukchi and East Siberian Seas, abstract AGU 2008.

* Dmitrenko, I.A., S.A.Kirillov, V.V.Ivanov, R.A.Woodgate, I.V.Polyakov, N.Koldunov, L.Fortier, C.Lalande, L.Kaleschke, D.Bauch, J.A.Hölemann, and L.A.Timokhov, submitted 2008, Seasonal modification of the Arctic Ocean intermediate water layer off the eastern Laptev Sea continental shelf break, J. Geophys.Res.

Woodgate, R.A., K.Aagaard, J.Swift, B.Smethie, K.Falkner, 2009, Fingerprinting Atlantic Water in the Chukchi Borderland, invited talk at NABOS meeting Paris, March 2009.

Woodgate, R.A, 2009, Crossing Decadal Time-scales – Arctic, Discussion leader for Gordon Conference on Polar Marine Science, Italy, March 2009

Deming, J., and R.A Woodgate, The Changing Arctic Ocean – UW interdisciplinary graduate course (Ocean 506B/497B), Spring Quarter 2009, http://psc.apl.washington.edu/HLD/ArcticChange09/ArcticChange09.html

* Panteleev, G., D.A.Nechaev, A.Proshutinsky, R.Woodgate, and J.Zhang, 2009 submitted, Reconstruction and analysis of the Chukchi Sea circulation in 1990-1991, under review J.Geophys.Res.-Oceans.

* Dmitrenko, I. A., S. A. Kirillov, V. V. Ivanov, R. A. Woodgate, I. V. Polyakov, N. Koldunov, L. Fortier, C. Lalande, L. Kaleschke, D. Bauch, J. A. Holemann, and L. A. Timokhov (2009), Seasonal modification of the Arctic Ocean intermediate water layer off the eastern Laptev Sea continental shelf break, J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2008JC005229, in press.

* Darby, D.A., J.Ortiz, L.Polyak, S.Lund, M.Jakobsson, R.A Woodgate, 2009, The role of currents and sea ice in both slowly deposited central Arctic and rapidly deposited Chukchi-Alaskan margin sediments, Global and Planetary Change, 68, 56-70.

Woodgate, R.A., 2009, Circulation of the Arctic Ocean, invited presentation for the Oceanographer of the Navy, Applied Physics Laboratory, April 2009

Woodgate et al., 2009, The Pacific Gateway to the Arctic Ocean.  Changes in the Bering Strait throughflow. National Ocean Data Center Seminar, given over the internet April 2009.

Woodgate et al., 2009, The Pacific Gateway to the Arctic Ocean: Changes in the Bering Strait throughflow. Invited Speaker at Bering Strait Observatory Planning Workshop in Pac Forest Center, Seattle, May 2009

Woodgate, R.A., 2009, Circulation of the Arctic Ocean, invited talk for delegation from the China Polar Institute, Applied Physics Laboratory, May 2009

Woodgate et al., 2009, The Pacific Gateway to the Arctic Ocean: Changes in the Bering Strait throughflow. Invited Speaker at ESSAS (Ecosystem Studies of Sub-Arctic Seas) Meeting in Seattle. June 2009.

Bering Strait contribution to Proshutinsky et al., 2009, Arctic Report Card – Oceans, August 2009

* Rawlings, M.A., M.Steele, M.M.Holland, J.C. Adam., J.E.Cherry, J.A.Francis, P.Y.Groisman, L.D.Hinzman, T G.Huntington, D.L.Kane, J.S.Kimball, R.Kwok, R.B.Lammers, C.M.Lee, D.P. Lettenmaier, K.C.McDonald, E.Podest, J.W.Pundsack, B.Rudels, M.C.Serreze, A.Shiklomanov, O.Skagseth, T.K.Troy, C.J.Vorosmarty, M.Wensnahan, E.F.Wood, R Woodgate, D.Yang, K.Zhang, T.Zhang, 2009 submitted, Analysis of the Arctic System for Freshwater Cycle Intensification: Observations and Expectations. accepted in Journal of Climate.

Woodgate, R.A., 2009, Mooring cruise report for RUSALCA Leg 1 Khromov Cruise to the Bering Strait, August/Sept 2009, http://psc.apl.washington.edu/BeringStrait.html

* Rainville, L., and R.A. Woodgate, 2009, Observations of internal wave generation in the seasonally ice-free Arctic, Geophys. Res. Letters, 36, Lxxxx, doi:10.1029/2009GL041291

Woodgate, R.A., 2009, Research at the Frozen Poles, invited lecture as part of the Ocean 500 graduate class, Oct 2009

Woodgate, R.A., 2009, Moorings in ice-covered waters, all for the want of an isolator, invited lecture as part of the EE 500 graduate class on ocean technology, Oct 2009

Woodgate, R.A., T. Weingartner, R.Lindsay and T.Whitledge, The Pacific Gateway to the Arctic – Quantifying and Understanding Bering Strait Oceanic Fluxes as IPY and AON projects, report for AON meeting in Boulder, Nov/Dec 2009

Woodgate, R.A, et al., 2009, What’s New in the Bering Strait?, invited presentation for the ASOF (Arctic Sub-Arctic Ocean Fluxes) steering committee meeting. Brussels, Nov 2009.

Woodgate, R.A., 2009, Pacific Influences in the Western Arctic, invited presentation for the European DAMOCLES (Developing Arctic Modeling and Observational Capabilities for Long-term Environmental Studies) project, European IPY research, Brussels, Nov 2009.

Kikuchi, T., S. Nishino, R. Woodgate, B. Rabe, U.Schauer and S. Pisarev, 2009, Confluence and mixing of Atlantic, Pacific and Siberian Shelf Water masses around the Mendeleev Ridge of the Arctic Ocean, for AGU 2009.

Rawlings et al, 2009, Analysis of the Arctic System for Freshwater Cycle Intensification: Observations and Expectations. Abstract for AGU 2009

Bering Strait contribution to Proshutinsky et al., 2010, Arctic Report Card, BAMS State of the Climate Report.

Woodgate, R.A., 2010,  Arctic Influences of Bering Strait heat, talk in UW Polar Lunch series.

* Woodgate, R. A., T. Weingartner and R. Lindsay, 2010, The 2007 Bering Strait Oceanic Heat Flux and anomalous Arctic Sea-ice Retreat, Geophys. Res. Letters, 37, L01602, doi:10.1029/2009GL041621.

Clement et al, 2010, On the flow through Bering Strait and its potential impact on sea ice in the Chukchi Sea, invited talk Ocean Sciences 2010

* Zhang, J., R Woodgate, and R.Moritz, 2010, Sea Ice response to Atmospheric and Oceanic Forcing in the Bering Sea,  J.Phys.Oceanogr., in press

* Pickart, R.S., M.A.Spall, G.W.K.Moore, T.J.Weingartner, R.A.Woodgate, K.Aagaard and K.Shimada, 2010 submitted, Upwelling in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea: Atmospheric Forcing and Local versus non-local response, submitted to Progress in Oceanography, March 2010

Woodgate, R.A., 2010, Getting into the Arctic Ocean – talk to new graduate students.

Woodgate, R.A., T.Weingartner and R.Lindsay, 2010, Changes  and Impacts of the Pacific Inflow to the Arctic: 1990 – present, invited talk at IPY Conference in Oslo, June 2010.

* Polyakov, I.V., V.A.Alexeev, I.M.Ashik, S.Bacon, A.B-Moeller, E.C.Carmack, I.A.Dmitrenko, L.Fortier, J-C. Gascard, E.Hansen, J.Hoelemann, V.V.Ivanov, T.Kikuchi, S.Kirillov, Y-D.Lenn, F.A.McLaughlin, J.Piechura, I.Repina, L.A.Timokhov, W.Walczowski and R.Woodgate, 2010 submitted, NOWCAST: Fate of mid-2000’s Arctic warm water pulse, under revision at BAMS (Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society).

Papers In Preparation

Woodgate, R. A. (2010 in prep), Mooring Cruise report for RUSALCA Khromov cruise to the Bering Strait – July/August 2010,  University of Washington, to be available at


* Woodgate, R.A., Fingers in Temperature-Salinity space – what are they telling us?

* Woodgate, R.A., T. Weingartner, R.Lindsay, Bering Strait freshwater fluxes, including stratification and the Alaskan Coastal Current,

* Woodgate, R.A., and T. Weingartner, Defining a “climate site” for the Bering Strait throughflow.

* Woodgate, R.A., K.Aagaard, J.H. Swift, W. Smethie and K.K. Falkner, Stagnation zones and deep waters in the Mendeleev Ridge and Chukchi Borderland region, for DSR.

* Woodgate, R.A., and ???, An overview of the Arctic Ocean Boundary Current

* Woodgate, R.A., C.Stoudt, J.Whitefield, T.Weingartner, and R.Lindsay, On the Siberian Coastal Current and its freshwater influence in 2010.

* Bauch, D, S. Torres-Valdez, Structure and Modification of Lower Halocline Water at the Latpev Slope continental Margin based in dO18, nutrient and TS data.

* Hunt et al, On similarities and differences of the Barents and Chukchi Seas

* Jackson et al., On changes in upper waters in the Canada Basin.

* Clement et al, On comparison of model results with observations of the Bering Strait throughflow.

* Woodgate, R.A. and ???, An overview of the Arctic Ocean Boundary Current,

* Dmitrenko, I.A., S.A.Kirillov, V.V.Ivanov, and R.A.Woodgate, On the disappearance of Atlantic water from the Siberian junction of the Lomonosov Ridge.

EXPEDITIONS (bold=as Chief Scientist, *=cruise reports at http://psc.apl.washington.edu/HLD)

SWINDEX, Easter 1993, RRS Discovery,
South West Indian Ocean Experiment, Cruise Leader:Dr R.T.Pollard,
6 weeks, Salinity Sampling & analysis, Oxygen measurements, Oxygen Isotopes.

ADOX 2, February-March 1994, RRS Discovery,
Atlantic Deep Outflow Experiment, Cruise Leader: Dr R.R.Dickson,
6 weeks, CFC sampling and analysis.

ARK X/1, July-August, 1994, FS Polarstern,
Arctic Expedition X/1, Cruise Leader: Dr E.Fahrbach,
6 weeks, Mooring deployment and recovery, data preparation (AWI-team leader)

ARK XI/2 Sept-October, 1995, FS Polarstern,
Arctic Expedition X1/2, Cruise Leader: Professor G.Krause,
5 1/2 weeks, Mooring deployment and recovery, data preparation (AWI-team leader)

ANT XIII/4 March-May, 1996, FS Polarstern,
Antarctic Weddell Sea  Expedition X111/4, Cruise Leader: Dr E.Fahrbach,
9 1/2 weeks, CTD  & mooring work (CTD watch leader)

LANCE ’97, August-September 1997, RS Lance,
Arctic VEINS Cruise, Cruise Leader: Dr S.Østerhus & Dr U.Schauer,
4 weeks, Deployment of 10 Fram Strait and 5 Storfjord moorings (Mooring-Team leader)

ENDURANCE ’98, January-February 1998, HMS Endurance,
Antarctic ROPEX Cruise, Cruise Leader: Dr K..Nicholls, British Antarctic Survey,
6 weeks, Deployment of 4 OVERFLOW moorings and recovery of 5 ROPEX moorings (Mooring-team leader)

ARK XIV/2a, August-September 1998, FS Polarstern,
Arctic VEINS Cruise, Cruise Leader: Dr  E.Fahrbach,
3 weeks, Recovery & redeployment of 14 Fram Strait and 5 Storfjord moorings (Mooring-team leader)

KITES, May/June 1999, RV Blue Heron,
Lake Superior Cruise, Cruise Leader: Dr E.Ralph,
1 week, Recovery & redeployment of 9 KITES moorings (Mooring-team)

May 2000, Physical oceanography component of marine biology project:
Ephemeral Resource Exploitation by Polar Bears as a Result of Sea Ice Dynamics in Lancaster Sound/Barrow Strait in the Spring. P.I.: Dr M.Ramsey
1 week, CTD casts through the ice, filming with the BBC, (Physical Oceanographer)

* HX235 August/September 2000, RV Alpha Helix,
Bering Strait Cruise, Cruise Leader: Dr R.A.Woodgate
2 weeks, Recovery and deployment of moorings, CTD and ADCP sections (Cruise and Mooring Team Leader)

North Pole Environmental Observatory, 2001,
Ice camp, PI: Prof. K.Aagaard
1 week, Deployment of oceanographic mooring through the ice at the North Pole

* HX250 September 2001, RV Alpha Helix,
Bering Strait Cruise, Cruise Leader: Dr R.A.Woodgate
2 weeks, Recovery and deployment of moorings, CTD and ADCP sections (Cruise and Mooring Team Leader)

* HX260 June 2002, RV Alpha Helix, Dutch Harbor to Nome
Bering Strait Cruise, Cruise Leader: Dr R.A.Woodgate
1.5 weeks, Recovery and deployment of moorings, CTD and ADCP sections (Cruise and Mooring Team Leader)

* CBL02- AWS02-PhaseII August-September 2002, USCGC Polar Star,
Chukchi Borderland Cruise, Cruise Leader: Dr R.A.Woodgate
5 weeks, Hydrographic survey and recovery and deployment of moorings
(Chief Scientist)

* HX274  July 2003, RV Alpha Helix, Teller to Nome
Bering Strait Cruise, Cruise Leader: Dr R.A.Woodgate
1.5 weeks, Recovery and deployment of moorings, CTD and ADCP sections (Cruise and Mooring Team Leader)

* SBI2003- HLY-03-03 September –October 2003, USCGC Healy,
SBI Mooring Cruise, Cruise Leader: Dr R.A.Woodgate
5 weeks, Recovery and deployment of moorings (UW and WHOI), hydrographic survey
(Chief Scientist)

* HX290 Aug/Sept 2004, RV Alpha Helix, Nome to Nome
Bering Strait Cruise, Cruise Leader: Dr R.A.Woodgate
8 days, Recovery and deployment of moorings, CTD and ADCP sections (Cruise and Mooring Team Leader, supervisor of trainee technician from MATE program)

* IOS 2005-05 July 2005, CCGS Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Kodiak to Barrow
St Lawrence and Bering Strait Cruise, Cruise Leader: Bon Van Hardenberg and Jackie Grebmeier
2 weeks, Recovery and deployment of Bering Strait moorings (UW moorings leader)

* IOS 2006-01 July 2006, CCGS Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Victoria to Wainwright
St Lawrence/Bering Strait Cruise, Cruise Leader: Bill Williams, John Nelson, Jackie Grebmeier
3 weeks, Recovery and deployment of Bering Strait moorings (UW moorings leader)

* RUSALCA 2007  Aug/Sept 2007, RV Sever (Russian), Nome to Nome
Bering Strait Cruise, Mooring Leader: Dr R.A.Woodgate, Cruise Leader: Prof. T Whitledge
9.5 days, Recovery and deployment of moorings, CTD section

* RUSALCA 2008  October 2008, RV Lavrentiev (Russian), Nome to Nome
Bering Strait Cruise, Mooring Leader: Dr R.A.Woodgate, Cruise Leader: Prof. T Whitledge
10 days, Recovery and deployment of moorings

* RUSALCA 2009  Aug/Sept 2009, RV Khromov (Russian), Nome to Nome
Bering Strait Cruise, Cruise Leader: Dr R.A.Woodgate,
Expedition Leader: V Bukhmutov & Prof. T Whitledge
10 days, Recovery and deployment of moorings

* RUSALCA 2010  July/Aug 2010, RV Khromov (Russian), Nome to Nome
Bering Strait Cruise, Cruise Leader: Dr R.A.Woodgate,
Expedition Leader: V Bukhmutov
10 days, Recovery and deployment of moorings

Selected Publications

  • Østerhus, S., Woodgate, R., Valdimarsson, H., Turrell, B., de Steur, L., Quadfasel, D., Olsen, S. M., Moritz, M., Lee, C. M., Larsen, K. M. H., Jónsson, S., Johnson, C., Jochumsen, K., Hansen, B., Curry, B., Cunningham, S., and Berx, B.: Arctic Mediterranean exchanges: a consistent volume budget and trends in transports from two decades of observations, Ocean Sci., 15, 379-399, https://doi.org/10.5194/os-15-379-2019, 2019
  • Stabeno, P., Kachel, N., Ladd, C., & Woodgate, R., 2018. Flow patterns in the eastern Chukchi Sea: 2010–2015. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123, 1177–1195. https://doi.org/10.1002/2017JC013135

  • Peralta-Ferriz, C., and R. A. Woodgate, Seasonal and interannual variability of pan-Arctic surface mixed layer properties from 1979 to 2012 from hydrographic data, and the dominance of stratification for multiyear mixed layer depth shoaling, Prog. Oceanogr., doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2014.12.005, 2015.

  • Serreze, M. C., A. D. Crawford, J. C. Stroeve, A. P. Barrett, and R. A. Woodgate, Variability, trends, and predictability of seasonal sea ice retreat and advance in the Chukchi Sea, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 121, doi:10.1002/2016JC011977, 2016.

  • Serreze, M. C., A. D. Crawford, J. C. Stroeve, A. P. Barrett, and R. A. Woodgate, Variability, trends, and predictability of seasonal sea ice retreat and advance in the Chukchi Sea, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 121, doi:10.1002/2016JC011977, 2016.

  • Woodgate, R.A., K.M. Stafford, and F.G. Praha, “A synthesis of year-round interdisciplinary mooring measurements in the Bering Strait (1990–2014) and the RUSALCA years (2004–2011),” Oceanography,28,46-67, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2015.57, 2015.

  • Danielson, S.L., et al., including K. Aagaard and R. Woodgate, “Coupled wind-forced controls of the Bering–Chukchi shelf circulation and the Bering Strait throughflow: Ekman transport, continental shelf waves, and variations of the Pacific–Arctic sea surface height gradient,” Prog. Oceanogr., 125, 40-61, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2014.04.006, 2014.

  • Clement Kinney, J., W. Maslowski, Y. Aksenov, B. de Cuevas, J. Jakacki, A. Nguyen, R. Osinski, M. Steele, R. A. Woodgate, and J. Zhang, On the flow through Bering Strait: A synthesis of model results and observations, Chapter 7, in The Pacific Arctic Region: Ecosystem Status and Trends in a Rapidly Changing Environment, J. M. Grebmeier and W. Maslowski (eds.), doi:10.1007/978-94-017-8863-2_7, 2014.

  • Timmermans, M.-L., I. Ashik, I. Frolov, H. K. Ha, R. Ingvaldsen, T. Kikuchi, T. W. Kim, R. Krishfield, H. Loeng, S. Nishino, R. Pickart, I. Polyakov, B. Rabe, U. Schauer, P. Schlosser, W. M. Smethie, V. Sokolov, M. Steele, J. Toole, W. Williams, R. Woodgate, and S. Zimmermann, The Arctic, g. Ocean temperature and salinity [in “State of the Climate 2013”], Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 95(7), S128-132, 2014.

  • Hunt, G.L., Jr., et al., including R.A. Woodgate, “The Barents and Chukchi seas: Comparison of two Arctic shelf ecosystems,” J. Mar. Syst., 109-110, 43-68, doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2012.08.003, 2013.

  • Timmermans, M.-L., et al., including J. Jackson, M. Steele, and R. Woodgate, “Ocean,” In Arctic Report Card, M.O. Jeffries, J.A. Richter-Menge, and J.E. Overland, eds., 42-54 (NOAA Climate Program Office, 2012).

  • Danielson, S., T. Weingartner, K. Aagaard, J. Zhang, and R. Woodgate, Circulation on the central Bering Sea shelf, July 2008 to July 2010, J. Geophys. Res., 117, C10003, doi:10.1029/2012JC008303, 2012.

  • Zhang, J., R. Woodgate, and S. Mangiameli, Towards seasonal prediction of the distribution and extent of cold bottom waters on the Bering Sea shelf, Deep-Sea Res. II, 65-70, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2012.02.023, 58-71, 2012.

  • Woodgate, R. A., T. J. Weingartner, and R. Lindsay, 2012: Observed increases in Bering Strait oceanic fluxes from the Pacific to the Arctic from 2001 to 2011 and their impacts on the Arctic Ocean water column, Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L24603, doi:10.1029/2012GL054092.

  • Proshutinsky, A., M.-L. Timmermans, I. Ashik, A. Beszczynska-Moeller, E. Carmack, I. Frolov, R. Ingvaldsen, M. Itoh, T. Kikuchi, R. Krishfield, H. Loeng, F. McLaughlin, S. Nishino, R. Pickart, B. Rabe, B. Rudels, I. Semiletov, U. Schauer, N. Shakhova, K. Shimada, V. Sokolov, M. Steele, J. Toole, T. Weingartner, W. Williams, R. Woodgate, M. Yamamoto-Kawai, and S. Zimmermann, The Arctic, c. Ocean [in “State of the Climate in 2011”], Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 2012.

  • Polyakov, I.V., V.A.Alexeev, I.M.Ashik,S.Bacon, A.B-Moeller, E.C.Carmack, I.A.,Dmitrenko, L.Fortier, J-C. Gascard, E.Hansen, J.Hoelemann, V.V.Ivanov, T.Kikuchi, S.Kirillov, Y-D.Lenn, F.A.McLaughlin, J.Piechura, I.Repina, L.A.Timokhov, W.Walczowski and R.Woodgate, 2011, NOWCAST: Fate of mid-2000’s Arctic warm water pulse, B.American Meteorological Society, doi:10.1175/2010BAMS2921.1

  • Pickart, R.S., M.A.Spall, G.W.K.Moore, T.J. Weingartner, R.A. Woodgate, K. Aagaard and K.Shimada, 2011, Upwelling in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea: Atmospheric Forcing and Local versus non-local response, Progress in Oceanography, 88, 78-100

  • Rainville, L., C.M. Lee, and R.A. Woodgate. 2011. Impact of wind-driven mixing in the Arctic Ocean. Oceanography 24(3):136-145, http://dx.doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2011.65.

  • Beszczynska-Moller, A., R.A., Woodgate, C. Lee, H. Melling, and M. Karcher. 2011. A synthesis of exchanges through the main oceanic gateways to the Arctic Ocean. Oceanography 24(3): 82-99, http://dx.doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2011.65

  • Jackson, J.M., S.E. Allen, F.A. McLaughlin, R.A. Woodgate and E.C.Carmack.,Changes to the near-surface waters in the Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean from 1993-2009: A basin in transition, Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, C10008, doi:10.1029/2011JC007069.

  • Woodgate, R.A, Arctic Ocean Circulation – going around at the Top of the World, invited paper for Nature Education Knowledge Project, June 2011.

  • Rainville, L., C.M. Lee, and R.A. Woodgate. 2011. Impact of wind-driven mixing in the Arctic Ocean. Oceanography 24(3):136–145, http://dx.doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2011.65.

  • Rawlins, M.A., M. Steele, M.M. Holland, J.C. Adam., J.E. Cherry, J.A. Francis, P.Y. Groisman, L.D. Hinzman, T.G. Huntington, D.L. Kane, J.S. Kimball, R. Kwok, R.B. Lammers, C.M. Lee, D.P. Lettenmaier, K.C. McDonald, E. Podest, J.W. Pundsack, B. Rudels, M.C. Serreze, A. Shiklomanov, O. Skagseth, T.J. Troy, C.J. Vorosmarty, M. Wensnahan, E.F. Wood, R. Woodgate, D.Yang, K. Zhang, T. Zhang, Analysis of the Arctic System for Freshwater Cycle Intensification: Observations and Expectations, J. Climate, 23, 5715-5737, doi:10.1175/2010JCLI3421.1, 2010. 

  • Zhang, J., R Woodgate, and R.Moritz, 2010, Sea Ice response to Atmospheric and Oceanic Forcing in the Bering Sea, J.Phys.Oceanogr., 40(8), 1729-1747.

  • Panteleev, G., D.A.Nechaev, A.Proshutinsky, R.Woodgate, and J.Zhang, 2010, Reconstruction and analysis of the Chukchi Sea circulation in 1990-1991, J.Geophys.Res., 115, C08023

  • Jackson, J.M., S.E. Allen, F.A.McLaughlin, R.A. Woodgate and E.C. Carmack, Changes to the near-surface waters in the Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean from 1993-2009: A basin in transition, in final prep for Journal of Geophysical Research.

  • Hunt, G.L., A.Blanchard, P.Dalpadado, K.Drinkwater, L.Eisner, K.M.Kovacs, B.Norcross, P.Renaud, M.Reigstad, A.Whitehouse, R.A.Woodgate, “Comparisons of the Chukchi and Barents Seas: The importance of the source of Advected waters”, 2010.

  • Proshutinsky, A., M.-L. Timmermans, I. Ashik, A. Beszczynska-Moeller, E. Carmack, I. Frolov, R. Krishfield, F. McLaughlin, J. Morison, I. Polyakov, K. Shimada, V. Sokolov, M. Steele, J. Toole, and R. Woodgate, The Arctic, c. Ocean [in “State of the Climate in 2009”], Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 91 (6), S85-87, 2010.

  • Woodgate, R.A., T. Weingartner, and R. Lindsay,’ The 2007 Bering Strait oceanic heat flux and anomalous Arctic sea-ice retreat’, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, doi:10.1029/2009GL041621, 2010.

  • Woodgate R.A., T. Weingartner and R. Lindsay, 2010, The 2007 Bering Strait Oceanic Heat Flux and anomalous Arctic Sea-ice Retreat, Geophys. Res. Letters, 37, L01602, doi:10.1029/2009GL041621.

  • Rawlins, M.A., et al., including R.A. Woodgate, Analysis of the Arctic System for Freshwater Cycle Intensification: Observations and Expectations. J. Climate23, 5715–5737, doi:10.1175/2010JCLI3421.1., 2010.

  • Rainville, L., and R.A. Woodgate,’ Observations of internal wave generation in the seasonally ice-free Arctic’, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, 10.1029/2009GL041291, 2009.

  • Kikuchi, T., S. Nishino, R. Woodgate, B. Rabe, U. Schauer, and S. Pisarev,’ Confluence and mixing of Atlantic, Pacific and Siberian shelf water masses around the Mendeleev Ridge of the Arctic Ocean’, Eos Trans. AGU, 90, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract GCS1A-0715, 2009.

  • Dmitrenko, I.A., et al., including R.A. Woodgate,’ Seasonal modification of the Arctic Ocean intermediate water layer off the eastern Laptev Sea continental shelf break’, J. Geophys. Res., 114, doi:10.1029/2008JC005229, 2009.

  • Darby, D.A., J. Ortiz, L. Polyak, S. Lund, M. Jakobsson, and R.A. Woodgate,’ The role of currents and sea ice in both slowly deposited central Arctic and rapidly deposited Chukchi-Alaskan margin sediments’, Global Planet. Change, 68, 56-70, 2009.

  • Woodgate, R., T. Winegartner, and R. Lindsay, 2009: The 2007 Bering Strait Oceanic Heat Flux and anomalous Arctic Sea-ice Retreat.  Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L01602, doi:10.1029/2009GL041621.

  • Woodgate, R. A., T. Weingartner and R. Lindsay,’ The 2007 Bering Strait Oceanic Heat Flux and anomalous Arctic Sea-ice Retreat’, Geophys. Res. Letters, accepted 2009

  • Rainville, L., and R.A. Woodgate, 2009, Observations of internal wave generation in the seasonally ice-free Arctic, Geophys. Res. Letters, 36, L23604, doi:10.1029/2009GL041291

  • Mizobata, K., K.Shimada, R.Woodgate, S-I. Saitoh and J. Wang,’ Estimation of heat flux through the eastern Bering Strait’, Journal of Oceanography, submitted 2008.

  • Melling, H., K.K.Falkner, R.A.Woodgate, S.Prinsenberg, A.Muenchow, D.Greenberg, T.Agnew, R.Samelson, C.Lee, B.Petrie,’ Freshwater Fluxes via Pacific and Arctic Outflows across the Canadian Polar Shelf’, ASOF (Arctic Subarctic Ocean Fluxes) special volume, Springer-Verlag, 2008.

  • Zhang, J., M. Steele, and R. Woodgate, The role of Pacific water in the dramatic retreat of arctic sea ice during summer 2007, J. Polar Science, 19(2), 93-107, 2008.

  • Dmitrenko, I. A., S. A. Kirillov, V.V. Ivanov, and R. A. Woodgate,’ Mesoscale Atlantic Water Eddy off the Laptev Sea continental slope carries the signature of upstream interaction’, J. Geophys. Res., 113, C07005, doi: 10.1029/ 2007JC00449, 2008.

  • Woodgate, R.A., K. Aagaard, J.H. Swift, W.M. Smethie and K.K. Falkner, “Atlantic Water Circulation over the Mendeleev Ridge and Chukchi Borderland from Thermohaline Intrusions and Water Mass Properties”, Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, C02005, doi:10.1029/2005JC003416, 2007.

  • White, D., L. Hinzman, L. Alessa, J. Cassano, M. Chambers, K. Falkner, J. Francis, B. Gutowski, M. Holland, M. Holmes, H. Huntington, D. Kane, A. Kliskey, C. Lee, J. McClelland, B. Peterson, F. Straneo, M. Steele, R. Woodgate, D. Yang, K. Yoshikawa, T. Zhang, The Arctic Freshwater System: Changes and impacts, J. Geophys. Res., 112, G04S54, doi:10.1029/2006JG000353, 2007.

  • Aagaard, K., T.J. Weingartner, S.L. Danielson, R.A. Woodgate, G.C. Johnson, and T.E. Whitledge,’ Some controls on flow and salinity in Bering Strait’, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L19602, doi:10.1029/2006GL026612, 2006.

  • Serreze, M.C., A.P. Barrett, A.J. Slater, R.A. Woodgate, K. Aagaard, R.B. Lammers, M. Steele, R. Moritz, M. Meredith, C.M. Lee, The large-scale freshwater cycle of the arctic, J. Geophys. Res.111, C11010, doi:10.1029/2005JC003424, 2006.

  • Woodgate, R.A., K.Aagaard and T.J. Weingartner,’ Interannual changes in the Bering Strait fluxes of Volume, Heat and Freshwater between 1991 and 2004‘, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L15609, doi:10.1029/2006GL026931, 2006.

  • Bitz, C., P. Gent, R.A. Woodgate, A. Hall, M. Holland and R. Lindsay,’ The influence of sea-ice on ocean heat uptake in response to increasing CO2′, J. Climate, 19, 2437-2450, 2006.

  • Woodgate, R.A., K. Aagaard, J.H. Swift, K.K. Falkner and W.M. Smethie,’ Pacific Ventilation of the Arctic Ocean’s lower halocline by upwelling and diapycnal mixing over the continental margin‘, Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L18609, doi:10.1029/2005GL023999, 2005.

  • Woodgate, R.A.,’ Bering Strait Mooring Cruise Report‘, CCGS Sir Wilfrid Laurier, 2005.