Posts Tagged «bioshow_regehr»

Braund, S. R., P. B. Lawrence, E. G. Sears, R. K. Schraer, E. V. Regehr, B. Adams, R. T. Hepa, J. C. George, and A. L. V. Duyke. 2018. Polar Bear TEK: A Pilot Study to Inform Polar Bear Management Models. North Slope Borough Department of Wildlife Management, Research Report NSB.DWM.RR.2018-01. Utqiaġvik, Alaska USA.

Bromaghin, J. F., T. L. McDonald, I. Stirling, A. E. Derocher, E. S. Richardson, E. V. Regehr, D. C. Douglas, G. M. Durner, T. Atwood, and S. C. Amstrup. 2015. Polar bear population dynamics in the southern Beaufort Sea during a period of sea ice decline. Ecological Applications 25:634-651. DOI: 10.1890/14-1129.1

Conn, P.B., E. E. Moreland, E. V. Regehr, E. L. Richmond, F. Cameron, and P.L. Boveng. 2016. Using simulation to evaluate wildlife survey designs: polar bears and seals in the Chukchi Sea. Royal Society Open Science. doi:  10.1098/rsos.150561

The publication Conservation Biology announced its awards for 2016 and PSC’s Kristin Laidre is the lead author of the paper that earned the second highest altmetric score, Arctic Marine Mammal Population Status, Sea Ice Habitat Loss, and Conservation Recommendations for the 21st Century.
Laidre led the collaborative effort which involved PSC colleagues Harry Stern and Eric Regehr (at present), along with other researchers from Canada, Greenland, Norway, Russia and other US institutions. Congratulations to Kristin and the team!

Crait, J.C., E.V. Regehr, and M. Ben-David. 2015. Indirect effects of bioinvasions in Yellowstone Lake: The response of river otters to declines in native cutthroat trout. Biological Conservation 191:596-605. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2015.07.042

UW News covers PSC’s Eric Regehr’s polar bear study of the Chukchi Sea subpopulation. This is the first formal study of this population and is published in the open-access journal Scientific Reports. Read on to learn more about the lead author’s decade-long project and the status of the Chukchi Sea polar bears.

The UW Today reports on the open-access study recently published in the Journal of Applied Ecology by PSC’s Eric Regehr and a collaborative team, including Harry Stern. The team combined data collected on polar bear subpopulations with that of sea ice extent and identified ways to carry on subsistence harvesting with the least amount of negative impact already caused by habitat loss.

Hunter, C. M., H. Caswell, M. C. Runge, E. V. Regehr, S. C. Amstrup, and I. Stirling. 2010. Climate change threatens polar bear populations: a stochastic demographic analysis. Ecology 91:2883-2897.

The Pacific Science Center will be showing Arctic: Our Frozen Planet, an IMAX nature documentary by the BBC which PSC’s very own Eric Regehr helped film, and also appears in! Dr. Regehr will be doing a Q&A about polar bears after the showing on May 27. Regehr will answer questions from the audience after the morning and afternoon showings on Saturday, May 27. The Thursday, May 25, evening showing will feature a Q&A with UW glaciologist Ian Joughin. Admission is $5, or free for PacSci members.Narrated by Benedict Cumberbatch, Arctic: Our Frozen Planet is an epic adventure across the magical realm of snow and ice at the top…

Laidre K. L.,  H. Stern, E. W. Born, P. Heagerty, S, Atkinson, Ø. Wiig, N. J. Lunn, E. V. Regehr, R. McGovern, M. Dyck. 2018.  Changes in winter and spring resource selection by polar bears Ursus maritimus in Baffin Bay over two decades of sea-ice loss. Endangered Species Research 36:1-14.

Laidre K. L., E. W. Born, S. N. Atkinson, Ø. Wiig, L. W. Andersen, N. J. Lunn, M. Dyck, E. V. Regehr, R. McGovern and P. Heagerty. 2018.  Range contraction and increasing isolation of a polar bear subpopulation in an era of sea ice loss. Ecology and Evolution DOI: 10.1002/ece3.3809

Laidre, K. L. and E. V. Regehr. 2018. Arctic marine mammals. In “Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals” (Bernd Würsig, J.G.M. Thewissen, and Kit M. Kovacs, eds.), 3rd edition. Pp 34-40. Academic Press/Elsevier, San Diego, CA, USA.

Laidre, K. L., S. Atkinson, E. V. Regehr, H. L. Stern, E. W. Born, Ø. Wiig, N. J. Lunn, and M. Dyck. 2020. Interrelatedecological impacts of climate change on an apex predator. Ecological Applications 30:18.

Laidre, K. L., S. N. Atkinson, E. V. Regehr, H. L. Stern, E. W. Born, Ø. Wiig, N. J. Lunn, M. Dyck, P. Heagerty, and B. R.Cohen. 2020. Transient benefits of climate change for a high‐Arctic polar bear (Ursus maritimus) subpopulation. GlobalChange Biology 26:6251‐6265.

Laidre, K. L., Stern, H., Kovacs, K. M., Lowry, L., Moore, S. E., Regehr, E. V., Ferguson, S. H., Wiig, Ø., Boveng, P., Angliss, R. P., Born, E. W., Litovka, D., Quakenbush, L., Lydersen, C., Vongraven, D. and Ugarte, F. (2015), Arctic marine mammal population status, sea ice habitat loss, and conservation recommendations for the 21st century. Conservation Biology. doi: 10.1111/cobi.12474

Laidre, K.L., and E.V. Regehr. 2017. Arctic marine mammals and sea ice. Pages 516-533 in D. Thomas (Ed.), Sea Ice 3rd Edition. West Sussex, United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  ISBN: 978-1-118-77838-8

Lunn, N.J., S. Servanty, E.V. Regehr, S.J. Converse, E. Richardson, and I. Stirling. 2016. Population dynamics of an apex predator at the edge of its range – impacts of changing sea ice on polar bears in western Hudson Bay, Canada. Ecological Applications 26(5):1302-1320. DOI: 10.1890/15-1256

Patyk, K.A., C. Duncan, P. Nol, C. Sonne, K. Laidre, M. Obbard, Ø. Wiig, J. Aars, E. Regehr, L.L. Gustafson, and T. Atwood. 2015. Establishing a definition of polar bear (Ursus maritimus) health: A guide to research and management activities. Science of the Total Environment 514:371-378.

Peacock, E., S. A. Sonsthagen, M. E. Obbard, A. Boltunov, E. V. Regehr, N. Ovsyanikov, J. Aars, S. N. Atkinson, G. K. Sage, A. G. Hope, E. Zeyl, L. Bachmann, D. Ehrich, K. T. Scribner, S. C. Amstrup, S. Belikov, E. W. Born, A. E. Derocher, I. Stirling, M. K. Taylor, O. Wiig, D. Paetkau, and S. L. Talbot. 2015. Implications of the Circumpolar Genetic Structure of Polar Bears for Their Conservation in a Rapidly Warming Arctic. Plos One 10(1): e112021. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0112021

Reuters Environment reports on a polar bear study led by Eric Regehr and its findings which were presented by co-author Kristin Laidre at a panel discussion during the America Geophysical Union’s 2016 Fall Meeting. Satellite data documenting sea-ice loss also forecasts declines in polar bear population. Reuters briefly talks to Regehr about the specifics of the global assessment.

Polar bears are now a noticeable presence in the Arctic village of Kaktovik, Alaska. The New York Times provides in-depth coverage of their living situation and talks to Eric Regehr, among others, about the loss of habitat and sustenance and the hard adjustments to come for the species.

PSC researchers Eric Regehr and  Harry Stern contribute to a new polar bear study on the balance between conservation and subsistence needs. The British Ecological Society reports on the published findings.

Regehr, E. V., N. J. Lunn, S. C. Amstrup, and L. Stirling. 2007. Effects of earlier sea ice breakup on survival and population size of polar bears in western Hudson Bay. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:2673-2683.

Regehr, E. V., C. M. Hunter, H. Caswell, S. C. Amstrup, and I. Stirling. 2010. Survival and breeding of polar bears in the southern Beaufort Sea in relation to sea ice. Journal of Animal Ecology 79:117-127.

Regehr, E. V., R. R. Wilson, K. D. Rode, and M. C. Runge. 2015. Resilience and risk—A demographic model to inform conservation planning for polar bears. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2015-1029, 56 p.,

Regehr, E. V., M. C. R., Andrew Von Duyke, Ryan R Wilson, Lori Polasek, Karyn D Rode, Nathan J Hostetter, Sarah JConverse. 2021. Demographic risk assessment for a harvested species threatened by climate change: polar bears in theChukchi Sea. Ecological Applications 0000:0000.

Regehr, E. V., M. Dyck, S. Iverson, D. S. Lee, N. J. Lunn, J. M. Northrup, M.‐C. Richer, G. Szor, and M. C. Runge. 2021.Incorporating climate change in a harvest risk assessment for polar bears Ursus maritimus in Southern Hudson Bay.Biological Conservation

Regehr, E., R. Wilson, K. Rode, M. Runge, and H. Stern. 2017. Harvesting wildlife affected by climate change: a modeling and management framework for polar bears. Journal of Applied Ecology. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12864

Regehr, E.V., Laidre, K.L., Akçakaya, H.R., Amstrup, S.C., Atwood, T.C., Lunn, N.J., Obbard, M., Stern, H., Thiemann, G.W., Wiig, Ø. (2016), Conservation status of polar bears (Ursus maritimus) in relation to projected sea-ice declines. Biol. Lett. DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2016.0556.

Regehr, E.V., Hostetter, N.J., Wilson, R.R., Rode, K.D., St. Martin, M., Converse, S.J. (2018), Integrated Population Modeling Provides the First Empirical Estimates of Vital Rates and Abundance for Polar Bears in the Chukchi Sea. Scientific Reports. 8: 16780,

Rode KD, Wilson RR, Regehr EV, St. Martin M, Douglas DC, Olson J (2015) Increased Land Use by Chukchi Sea Polar Bears in Relation to Changing Sea Ice Conditions. PLoS ONE 10(11): e0142213. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0142213

Rode, K. D., S. C. Amstrup, and E. V. Regehr. 2010. Reduced body size and cub recruitment in polar bears associated with sea ice decline. Ecological Applications 20:768-782.

Rode, K. D., Regehr, E. V., Douglas, D. C., Durner, G., Derocher, A. E., Thiemann, G. W. and Budge, S. M. (2014), Variation in the response of an Arctic top predator experiencing habitat loss: feeding and reproductive ecology of two polar bear populations. Glob Change Biol, 20: 76–88. doi:10.1111/gcb.12339

Rode, K. D., E. V. Regehr, J. F. Bromaghin, R. R. Wilson, M. S. Martin, J. A. Crawford, and L. T. Quakenbush. Seal bodycondition and atmospheric circulation patterns influence polar bear body condition, recruitment, and feeding ecology inthe Chukchi Sea. Global Change Biology:18.

Rode, K. D., R. R. Wilson, D. C. Douglas, V. Muhlenbruch, T. C. Atwood, E. V. Regehr, E. S. Richardson, N. W. Pilfold, A. E.Derocher, G. M. Durner, I. Stirling, S. C. Amstrup, M. St Martin, A. M. Pagano, and K. Simac. 2018. Spring fasting behaviorin a marine apex predator provides an index of ecosystem productivity. Global Change Biology 24:410‐423. 

Rode, K. D., T. C. Atwood, G. W. Thiemann, M. St Martin, R. R. Wilson, G. M. Durner, E. V. Regehr, S. L. Talbot, G. K. Sage,A. M. Pagano, and K. S. Simac. 2020. Identifying reliable indicators of fitness in polar bears. PLoS ONE 15:27.

Schliebe, S.L., B. Benter, E.V. Regehr, L. Quakenbush, J. Omelak, M. Nelson, and K. Nesvacil. 2016. Co-management of the Alaskan harvest of the Alaska-Chukotka polar bear subpopulation: How to implement a harvest quota. Wildlife Technical Bulletin ADF&G/DWC/WTB-2016-15. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Juneau.

Stirling, I., T. L. McDonald, E. S. Richardson, E. V. Regehr, and S. C. Amstrup. 2011. Polar bear population status in the northern Beaufort Sea, Canada, 1971-2006. Ecological Applications 21:859-876.

The AP News talks to PSC’s Eric Regehr, the lead author of a polar bear study published in Scientific Reports. Regehr was involved in the first formal count of polar bears in waters between the United States and Russia. Despite being listed as a threatened species because of diminished sea ice due to climate change, Regehr and his colleagues estimate a healthy and abundant population in the Chukchi Sea off Alaska’s northwest coast.

Ware, J.V., K.D. Rode, J.F. Bromaghin, D. Douglas, R.W. Wilson, E.V. Regehr, S.C. Amstrup, G. Durner, A. Pagano, J.Olson, C.T. Robbins, and H.T. Jansen. 2017. The behavioral response of polar bears to habitat degradation in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas. Oecologia. doi: 10.1007/s00442-017-3839-y

Whiteman, J. P., H. J. Harlow, G. M. Durner, R. Anderson-Sprecher, S. E. Albeke, E. V. Regehr, S. C. Amstrup, and M. Ben-David. 2015. Summer declines in activity and body temperature offer polar bears limited energy savings. Science 349:295-298.                     DOI: 10.1126/science.aaa8623

Whiteman, J. P., H. J. Harlow, G. M. Durner, E. V. Regehr, S. C. Amstrup, and M. Ben-David. 2019. Heightened Immune System Function in Polar Bears Using Terrestrial Habitats. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 92:1-11.

Wilson, R. R., J. S. Horne, K. D. Rode, E. V. Regehr, and G. M. Durner. 2014. Identifying polar bear resource selection patterns to inform offshore development in a dynamic and changing Arctic. Ecosphere 5(10):136.

Wilson, R.R., E.V. Regehr, K.D. Rode, and M. St. Martin. 2016. Invariant polar bear habitat selection during a period of sea ice loss. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 283:20160380. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2016.0380