Data Table
Note new data formats !
An archive version of the data is at the National Snow and Ice Data Center. The PSC version (this web site) will be updated as new data becomes available while the NSIDC version will updated about once a year. The NSIDC web site for this data set is
Source ID |
Years |
Location | Samples |
Summaries |
Distributions |
Parameter |
Summary Variables |
Version |
2001-2010 | North Pole | 65 |
Draft |
2003-2017 | Beaufort Sea | 511 |
Draft |
1990-2003 | Eastern Beaufort | 382 |
Draft |
2003-2005 | Chukchi Sea | 26 |
Draft |
1960-2005 |
Arctic Ocean | 844 |
Draft |
2016-03-09 | |||
1986-2014 | Arctic Ocean | 1124 |
Draft |
2018-11-21 |
US-Subs-Hi | 1960, 1962 | Arctic Ocean | 309 | X | Not Available (tabulated at 50km) |
Draft |
Transcribed from LeShack 1980 |
1987,1991 | Arctic Ocean | 149 |
Draft |
1976 | Arctic Ocean | 27 |
Draft |
1991-2002 | Greenland Sea | 134 |
Draft |
2001-2015 | Arctic Ocean | 455 |
Snow+Ice |
2016-05-16 | |||
2003-2008 | Arctic Ocean | 29452 |
Thickness |
2003-2007 | Lancaster Sound | 36 |
Draft |
1947-2013 | Canadian Archipelego, coastal stations |
6242 |
Not Available |
Thickness |
2006-2008 | Davis Strait | 67 |
Draft |
2009-2013 | Arctic Ocean | 933 |
Thickness |
Version 2 |
Quicklook |
2012-2019 | Arctic Ocean | 1518 |
Thickness |
Quicklook Product |
2003-2008 | Antarctica | 12432 |
Not Available
Thickness |
2002-2012 | Antarctica | 757 |
Draft |
Cryosat-AWI | 2010(Nov) 2018(Oct) |
Arctic | 170522 | Not Available | Thickness |
AWI vers. 2.1 |
ALL Data |
1947-2019 | ALL | Draft/Thickness | see individual files | 20181130 | |||
All Data NetCDF | 1947-2019 | ALL | Not Available | Variables from input text files mapped to correctly named variable | netcdf variables have dimension [4,time] where the first dimension corresponds to Mean,Min,Max,Sigma | 20181130 |
Click on an X to get the file from each source.
Each summary file has data on up to three different variables which are listed in the last column.
Platform_metadata, This file has a line for each mooring, campaign, or station with the time and position ranges for that platform and the number of point measurements and aggregate samples.
Data formats:
NetCDf summary file :
NetCDF 4 data file was generated from individual text files. Variables from the text files are renamed to named netCDF variables that provide the relevant information for a particular source. Long_name attribute provides more detailed information. This means that for sources where the variable is not available, the values are set to missing (NaN). Data variables are encoded as 4 x Nobs arrays where the first dimension refers to the "Mean, Min, Max, and Standard Deviation" of the variable. The second dimension refers to the indidual observation. It is not ordered by time.
ASCII Tables:
Draft, Thickness, or Freeboard Summaries
Each file begins with one header line identifying the variables. The variables are listed in the table below. The header and data formats are
hdr_fmt = '( 2a12, a10, 5a7, 6a8, a7, a10, 4(4a10) ) '
data_fmt = '( 2a12, i10, i7,3f7.1,i7, 6f8.2, i7, i10, 4(4f10.2) )'
Variables in Summary Files Variable Description source Source code name platform Platform code name index unique index for the observation year Year mean_yday Mean year day (the year begins with yday=1.000) min_yday minimum day of year max_yday maximum day of year month Month (1-12) lat Mean latitude (deg N) lon Mean longitude (deg E) min_lat minimum latitude max_lat maximum latitude min_lon minimum longitude max_lon maximum longitude n_days / length number of days with observations (moorings) / or Length of the track (km), excluding gaps nsamps Number of pointsamples mean_x Mean x (depends on the data set, see the data table above) min_x Minimum x max_x Maximum x sd_x Standard Deviation of x mean_y Mean y (depends on the data set, see the data table above) min_y Minimum y max_y Maximum y sd_y Standard Deviation of y mean_z Mean ice draft or thickness (m), depends on the data set min_z Minimum max_z Maximum sd_z Standard deviation
Ice Thickness Distribution Files
Each file begins with one header line identifying the variables. The variables are listed in the table below with typical values of the number of bins, bin width, and first bin in brackets. The header and data formats are
hdr_fmt = '( 2a12, a10, 5a7, 6a8, a7, a10, a6, 8a7)'
data_fmt = '( 2a12, i10, i7,3f7.1,i7, 6f8.2, i7, i10, i6,2f7.2, 300f7.4 )'
Variables in Distribution Files Variable Description Source Source code name platform Platfrom code name index Unique index for the observation
(same as in the summary files)mean_yday Mean year day (the year begins with yday=1.000) min_yday minimum day of year max_yday maximum day of year month Month (1-12) lat Mean latitude (deg N) lon Mean longitude (deg E) min_lat minimum latitude max_lat maximum latitude min_lon minimum longitude max_lon maximum longitude n_days / length number of days with observations (moorings) or Length of the track (km), excluding gaps nsamps Number of point samples nbins Number of bins in the distribution [300] width Width of bins (m) (0.10] first Center of first bin (m) [0.00] distribution PDF as fraction (nbins values)