IOS Chukchi Sea
Institute of Ocean Sciences, Sidney BC, Canada |
Dr. Humfrey Melling, email: Humfrey.Melling at |
Project description: Mooring design: |
Upward Looking Sonar on bottom anchored moorings |
Chukchi Sea, 75.1N, 168.0W |
August 2003 to August 2005 |
Data were processed and calibrated by H. Melling and D. A Reidel, IOS. Statistical summaries were computed by IOS and reformatted by R. Lindsay. Summaries and distributions of both point data and pseudo-spatial estimates of the ice draft are included here. |
22.8e6 point values, 24 monthly averages |
ASL Ice Profiler Specifications (pdf file) |
The mooring was a collaborative undertaking of the Canadian Institute of Ocean Sciences, the USA Cold Regions Research Engineering Laboratory and the NOAA Arctic Research Office. The effort is jointly supported by NOAA Climate Program Office and the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans. |
Box plots show the median (black) and the 5th, 25th, 75th, and 95th percentile values for each month. The colors indicate the month of the year.