GFS Forecast: analysis time: 12Z 2022-06-29 :: valid time: 22Z 2022-06-29( Alaska LT: Wed. 2022-06-29 14:00PM)
Links to plots Below
- Fight Information
- Pan-Arctic maps
- Beaufort and Chukchi seasonal ice zone
- Flight conditions at different altitudes along 150°W
Sea ice contours: 15% (blue), 50% (black), 90% (red)
2-m temperature contour: -1.8 °C
U/V transect contour: 0 m/s
Update [17:00PM, Fri., June 24, 2022 PST]:
- Good visibility except at 73 °N. Ceiling below 500 ft at 73 and 74 °N.
- No nearby IS2 overpass near C-130 flight this time.
2022-06-29 13PM Alaska LT | 2022-06-29 IS2 track |
middle cloud fraction