July 10, 2019

  GFS Forecast: analysis time: 12Z 2019-07-06 :: valid time: 00Z 2019-07-11 ( Alaska LT: Tue. 2019-07-11 16:00PM)

Links to plots Below

Sea ice contours: 15% (blue), 50% (black), 90% (red)

2-m temperature contour: -1.8 °C

U/V transect contour: 0 m/s 

Update [11:30AM, Sun. Jul. 07, 2019 PST]:  

Area dominated by surface high pressure and weak winds. Higher up at 3 km (~10,000 ft), northerly winds. Low clouds all the way to 78 °N with cloud top below 1 km. 

Update [15:30PM, Sat. Jul. 06, 2019 PST]:  

Much more cloud cover compared to forecasts 24 hours ago. Lower visibility and lower ceiling height. Sea ice edge close to 74 °N now. 

Update [12:30PM, Fri. Jul. 05, 2019 PST]:  

Good surface visibility south of 73.6 °N and below 1 mile north of 74 °N. Ceiling height remains high till 74.5 °N. Surface wind is weak in general. 


    • Flight information

2019-07-10 16PM Alaska LT

2019-07-10 16PM Alaska LT

  • Pan-Arctic maps

Sea ice concentration at analysis time

Mean sea leve pressure at valid time

700 hPa Geopotential Height

700 hPa temperature

700 hPa relative humidity

700 hPa wind speed

Pressure on 2PVU surface

Pressure on 2PVU surface

Low-level cloud cover

Mid-level cloud cover


  • Beaufort and Chukchi seasonal ice zone (the map is centered at 150 °W)

 middle cloud fraction

Sea ice concentration at analysis time

Mean sea leve pressure at valid time

2-m air temperature

2-m relative humidty

low cloud fraction

middle cloud fraction


  • Transects along 150 °W


  • Flight conditions at different altitudes along 150 °W